Monday, February 13, 2017

Two crazy ideas from the Left

As a writer about politics, I love the Left. If there is a loony idea to be espoused, they will be the first on the crazy train. This is a story of two of them.

First, the title of this Politico editorial says it all: "Hillary Clinton Is Running Again".

Mind you, the editorial makes a good case for this being true, which makes it even more hilarious. But never underestimate the ability of the Democrats to do the stupid thing. 

This time, secure the emails?

Our final story from the loony Left is from the Left's favorite publication, Salon: "An independent California isn’t that wacky of an Idea". 

California is, by its nature, wacky. As the comedian Gallagher once said:
California is like a bowl of granola. What ain't fruits and nuts is flakes.
The fact Hillary Clinton carried California overwhelmingly in the last election (accounting for more than the total of her popular vote victory over Trump with California's votes alone) shows how far removed California is from the rest of the nation's reality.

Don't get me wrong. I fully support the California secession movement, otherwise known as "Calexit". But I also know the California secession movement won't end well.

Even after they get through the initial period of upheaval after they gain nationhood, their progressive socialist policies will lead them spiraling downward into their authoritarian utopia quickly. At least Europe is somewhat tempered in their socialism. The ideologues in California would quickly turn their country into Venezuela.

On the other hand, maybe running their own country might teach the Golden State socialists how the world really works? When "other people's money" becomes "my money", political views do tend to change.

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