Monday, November 28, 2016

Communism, the zombie ideology

How many times does communism have to die before everyone realizes it is just the next step to dictatorship after democracy?

Even when the Berlin Wall fell, Russia only remained a democracy for a few years before Putin rigged the political game in his own favor. Before you say, "That can't happen in America", just consider how the Democratic Party has rigged their own nomination process with superdelegates. Now the Democrats want to eliminate the Electoral College so that the great bastions of socialism, California and New York, can decide our presidential elections. Given enough power, I am sure Democrats could figure a way to give Europeans a vote here.

But the best part is how communism disguises itself. Over the years, it has been called progressivism and socialism. And the best label of all: "social democracy"! Or is it democratic socialism? Regardless, combining the "tyranny of the majority" with big government programs has to work well, right? Tyranny is still tyranny. It doesn't matter if it is from a tin-plated dictator like Fidel Castro, or a plurality of voters. And when the tyranny decides to open the public treasury for itself, it inevitably runs into the Thatcher problem:
"They’ve got the usual Socialist disease – they’ve run out of other people’s money."--Margaret Thatcher
Where socialism or communism (or whatever the label is this week) eventually fails is in its own good intentions. The old saying applies here: The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Socialism allows people to push off their own personal responsibility to perform good acts onto the government. Isn't it a good thing to want the government to heal the sick, and feed and clothe the needy? No, that is YOUR responsibility. And that doesn't mean you have to take care of everyone personally. But you can take care of friends and family. Just help them out when they need it.

Instead, we hand people off to a government bureaucrat who doesn't care. This is the inevitable result of socialism. If you want a world that looks like a DMV, then socialism is for you!

Seriously, we need to recognize this creeping communism that keeps coming back, and then kill it ideologically. There is a simple way to do it:

Quit looking to politicians to solve all of the world's problems. Sometimes, you just have to take the bull by the horns and do it yourself.

The human inclination is to try and find the easiest way possible, and that frequently involves delegating responsibility to someone else. In the case of our democracy, that someone else is usually the government. This is why communism/socialism keeps coming back like a zombie ideology. As soon as we think it's dead, it gets a new name and climbs out of its grave and into our government.  

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