Friday, November 11, 2016

The mote in the New York Times' eye

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"--Matthew 7:3
I was reminded of the Biblical quote above by the latest self-serving editorial in the New York Times, "Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump", wherein they state:
In his victory speech early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump pledged that he “will be president for all Americans,” and he asked those who did not support him “for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.”

Here’s some guidance right off the bat, Mr. President-elect: Those sentiments will have more force if you immediately and unequivocally repudiate the outpouring of racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic insults, threats and attacks being associated with your name. Do this in a personal plea to people who supported your candidacy. Tell them this is not what you stand for, nor is it what your new administration will tolerate.
While that request is reasonable coming from an objective observer, it is laughable coming from the New York Times editorial board, which did everything it could to promote hatred of Trump.

I won't argue that Trump is worthy of disrespect, but the hatred shown to him by the MSM and others on the Left was every bit the equal of that which they accuse both Trump and his supporters.

The mere fact that the Times provides a forum for Charles Blow speaks volumes. Blow's column "America Elects a Bigot" is nothing more than a public venting of spleen against Trump. Consider this line:
Also, let me be clear: Businessman Donald Trump was a bigot. Candidate Donald Trump was a bigot. Republican nominee Donald Trump was a bigot. And I can only assume that President Donald Trump will be a bigot. 
It is absolutely possible that America didn’t elect him in spite of that, but because of it. Consider that for a second. Think about what that means. This is America right now: throwing its lot in with a man who named an alt-right sympathizer as his campaign chief.
In the vacuum of the Left's echo chamber, Trump as bigot naturally equates to his supporters are all bigots too, completely ignoring the failure of the establishment's policies over the last 16 years, which Hillary Clinton fully supported. Nope. It's all about the bigotry. And because Trump is a bigot, he and all his supporters must be hated.

You don't change hate with more hate.

Perhaps the Times could lead by example, and end their hate campaign against Trump? Sadly, I doubt they will. In today's PC environment, hating the haters is considered ok. And the chasm in our political discourse just grows a little bit wider, as both sides talk past each other when they aren't hurling invectives.

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