Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Hampshire Primary Prediction

Today is the New Hampshire presidential primary, so here are my dire warnings...um, predictions.

On the Democratic side, I predict socialist Bernie Sanders will squeak by unconvicted criminal Hillary Goldman Clinton, as the Democratic Party moves ever more leftward towards the "Obamaphone wing" of the party:

For the Republicans, I see Joe Millionaire, aka Donald Trump, continuing the Republican Party's rejection of anything remotely resembling sanity.

For the Libertarians, Gary Johnson announced last month that he will be running for the Libertarian Party again this year. You didn't notice Johnson's presidential run in 2012? Neither did the voters. If he doubles his vote count from 2012, he still won't get an electoral vote, unless all his votes come in a really small state.

Finally, if none of those candidates excite you, there is hope: Billionaire and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he is considering throwing lots of money away on a run for president as an independent candidate, because that always works so well.

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