Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Mexico and Chicago: Today's news for January 25th

New York Times:
President Trump on Wednesday will order the construction of a Mexican border wall — the first in a series of actions this week to crack down on immigrants, including slashing the number of refugees who can resettle in the United States and blocking Syrians and others from “terror-prone” nations from entering, at least temporarily.
Say what you will, this is in keeping with his campaign promises.

He is considering a policy that would temporarily freeze admissions of refugees from Syria and other majority-Muslim nations, and halve the number of displaced people who can be resettled on American soil. This would effectively bar the entry of people from Muslim countries — including Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Syria — and might prioritize the admission of those who are Christian religious minorities.
Exactly how does an immigration bureaucrat determine what is a person's religious beliefs?

If Trump was really smart, he would end the war on Islam. But if Bush and Obama weren't that smart, why should we expect Trump to be? Killing Muslims is politically palatable on the Right, and the Left is too busy screaming to let them into the country to bother caring about our military killing more of them overseas.

In other Trump news...

Fox News:
President Trump tweeted Tuesday night that if Chicago is unable to reduce its homicide figures, he will send in "the Feds" to help reduce the city’s murder rate.

"If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible `carnage' going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!" Trump posted.
Exactly how is this the problem of the federal government? While this is a terrible problem, all problems do not automatically become federal problems.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson responded late Tuesday, saying: "The Chicago Police Department is more than willing to work with the federal government to build on our partnerships with DOJ, FBI, DEA and ATF and boost federal prosecution rates for gun crimes in Chicago."
Roll over with your belly up so the feds can scratch it. Good dog!

Seriously though, if you really want to help Chicago, there is one simple solution: Lift the gun restrictions.

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