Thursday, January 12, 2017

The "war on whites"

Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks made an interesting statement Tuesday. From CNN:
Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks said in a radio interview on Tuesday that criticism of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who is Donald Trump's pick to be attorney general, is part of an ongoing "war on whites" by Democrats.

"It's really about political power and racial division and what I've referred to on occasion as the 'war on whites.' They are trying to motivate the African-American vote to vote-bloc for Democrats by using every 'Republican is a racist' tool that they can envision," the Republican congressman said on "The Morning Show With Toni & Gary" on WBHP 800 Alabama radio. "Even if they have to lie about it."
Whether Session is racist or not, the broader point is far more interesting, and accurate. Democrats are "trying to motivate the African-American vote to vote-bloc for Democrats by using every 'Republican is a racist' tool that they can envision. Even if they have to lie about it."

Racism is an easy charge to make, but harder to truly prove in the absence of overtly racist comments or acts. Yet our current culture allows the charge to be made far too easily on even the slimmest of evidence. This in turn allows the recipient of the charge to lose their career and reputation, from which it will take a miracle to return. Racism is a scarlet letter imposed on the accused.

Of course, I am referring to white racism against blacks. Our culture allows no quarter for violators of this cultural norm. Contrary to what many Democrats and blacks believe, while true white racism against blacks isn't non-existent, it is so rare as to almost be.

However, many in the Democratic Party like to use the racism charge against non-Democrats in order to do exactly what Rep. Brooks said: "motivate the African-American vote to vote-bloc for Democrats by using every 'Republican is a racist' tool that they can envision." They have done this against every Republican presidential candidate going back to Reagan.

Now they do it against Trump. While Trump does have some associates with borderline views on race, it is hard to peg him as a racist, yet the Democrats keep trying. This overlooks his even more sexist qualities, which are easy to recognize. But for the Democrats, their war isn't on sexism. Women are only part of the Democrats' base, whereas they own the black vote with their shameless pandering.

Using a racism charge like a bludgeon is one thing. But with the media giving the Democrats a permanent pass on having to be honest, this creates a "Salem witch trial"-like atmosphere, whereby anyone can be accused and convicted with only the slimmest of circumstantial evidence.

In the case of Jeff Sessions, here is the evidence of his racism:
Brooks was responding to a question about criticism of Sessions' record on civil rights, which has come under renewed scrutiny as he seeks confirmation to head the Justice Department. Sessions was denied a federal judgeship in 1986 in part because of comments he allegedly made about organizations like the NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union. Sessions, a Republican, also criticized the 1965 Voting Rights Act as "intrusive" in the 1980s.
So the NAACP and the ACLU are above reproach? And the Voting Rights Act is sacrosanct? Even if you answer both these questions "yes", then consider the fact these charges are 30 years old. I can honestly say that as a 52 year old, my political views have changed quite a bit since the time I was 22. First, Sessions needs to be asked what he believes now, and if it is the same, then have him explain his views. The evidence of his alleged racism is pretty slim as it stands now.

Which brings us back to what Rep. Brooks calls the "war on whites". This is just one element of what I wrote about yesterday: "The new racism". While the Democrats use it for political gain, and without any oversight to their charges, white people see themselves as potential victims in this witch hunt. Democrats like to complain about the "alt-right", but how much of that is just white people afraid of being given the scarlet letter "R" (for "racist").

Don't misunderstand me. I believe all racism is bad. In that spirit, I am calling out the Democrats for their own "war on whites". It needs to end, and the complicit mainstream media needs to quit giving them a free pass.

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