Monday, January 23, 2017

Tantrums from the Left

[Liberals are] operating in a bygone era, so when confronted by the present, all they do is fret about the things they don't understand. And so they are stuck, repeating the same grade (likely sophomore year) over and over again. 
They don't like a president who tweets, or right-wing radicals who get book deals, or lesbians who voted for Trump. They don't understand why identity politics isn't resonating anymore after demanding we all bow before the altar of political correctness for decades. They don't get it: No one cares who you're sleeping with anymore, or what percentage of you is Cameroonian. No one cares if you require one of 50 different pronouns, or that you get easily triggered by words and images from action films. That's the past. 
No one cares about who you are anymore. We only care about what you do.   
(A piece of advice to the young social justice warrior: You may think people care about who you are. They don't. If you're trafficking in identity politics, then you're likely surrounded by people just like you. Which means everyone is in it for the same reason: not to listen, but to be heard. So they aren't listening to you either. Get a life outside your grievances.)
This is why the protests over the weekend were ineffective: They were cries for attention more than actual calls for change.

What do women need they don't already have?

They have equal rights. Even if the president is a misogynist, which he is, what will he do against women's rights? There is nothing he can do, since nobody would support him if he tried. There is nothing to prevent, and no actions have been taken to merit a protest, other than Trump's exercise of his free speech rights. (For which we should be thankful, since they revealed him to be a sexist. Do you really want to shut him up?)

If anything, Trump suggested requiring 6 weeks of paid maternity leave from employers. While I don't personally endorse that idea, how is that "against women"?

No, these protests were all about Leftists throwing a tantrum because they didn't like what the rest of the people decided in the election. The best thing to do when a child throws a tantrum is to ignore them. Otherwise, they will keep doing it every time you tell them "no".

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