Monday, October 17, 2016

Is Hillary a lesbian?

In case you don't know, Matt Drudge is the creator/publisher of the website The Drudge Report. And if he isn't being obvious enough in that tweet by showing Hillary Clinton with Ellen DeGeneres, the sex scandal will most likely involve Hillary being a closet lesbian.

As I replied:

I received much love and retweets from the "deplorables" (aka Trump supporters), but I wasn't really offering confirmation of the rumor. I was only pointing out that it has been around for a long time.

Even if the rumor is true, does it really matter? I don't think so.

Considering Bill has cheated on her more times than anyone can count, it actually explains why she would stay with him.

On the other hand, what about the lying to the American public about her relationship with Bill, as well as her own sexuality? The only possible danger to Hillary is it causing the religious right who had been considering her to stick with Trump. But she wasn't exactly getting a lot of those votes anyway, although she might have gotten more due to his recent sexual issues in the news.

As for her lying, we have known she is a very good liar for quite some time. The email scandal was the most recent example, and in my opinion a far more important example because she broke the law and then used political connections to avoid any consequences. She has always been willing to do whatever it takes to advance her political career, by hook or by crook.

If you need a reason to NOT vote for Hillary, there are plenty. But being a lesbian isn't one of them.

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