Thursday, October 27, 2016

The cost of being wrong

Have you noticed there is no cost for being wrong in America?

Even the poorest among us face few consequences. Make bad life choices? No problem! We will give you free healthcare, which includes coverage for abortions when you make more bad life choices. And if you know how to work the government's welfare system, you can get everything from free phones to free childcare. Only in America...

Surprisingly, the wealthiest among us face few consequences. When Wall Street crashes the economy, how many banks died? None. Even Bear Stearns was sold to JPMorgan Chase. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are still alive and insuring mortgages, after being taken over by the feds.

How about the most powerful among us? When they make mistakes...they run for president! Hillary Clinton's list of mistakes runs long and wide: She supported the Iraq War, she broke federal email laws and then covered it up, she was against gay marriage (before she was for it), her husband signed into law the legislation which allowed banks to become investment banks and consequently crash the economy (see Wall Street above), and that doesn't even step into the question of how much she supported her husband's philandering ways. Apparent consequences? Based on her potential to win, it seems none.

Even political ideologies don't face consequences. The list of wrong-headed ideas by progressives is impressive: Affirmative action has a few success stories but the black community as a whole hasn't benefitted, the welfare state hasn't eliminated poverty like LBJ promised, and making it easier for people to get mortgages only bankrupted the entire world's banking system, and mismanagement of America's inner cities by progressives of both R and D varieties is legendary. (Yet voting for a third party is a "wasted vote"?)

What about the middle class? Ah, there we go! The ever-shrinking group of people responsible for those at the top and bottom of society. They are the ones where being wrong comes with a price tag. Failure by middle class entrepreneurs ends in a huge debt for the individual(s) to pay (no government bailouts here!). Get laid off? You can fall into the welfare safety nets for awhile. In other words, join the millions of poor and lower income welfare leeches! Most responsible people abhor that option. But the best part: When someone rises from the "welfare class" to the middle class, they are expected to pay back their benefits! Can you say "disincentivize responsible behavior"?

The only people who cannot afford to be wrong in America are the responsible middle class people, who carry all the cost of it. If you want to get ahead in America, you are the insurance policy for the mistakes of both the rich and poor.

Now get back to work.

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