Monday, October 10, 2016

The one thing about the election: Today's news for October 10th

After the Trump video news from Friday, and then the debate last night (which taught us nothing we didn't already know), I have one observation to make: Trump, while crass and lewd and shameless, has not broken any laws. Hillary Clinton has broken laws and used her political connections to cover it up (FBI Director James Comey practically admitted it). Ultimately, neither of them deserve to be in the White House. He is NOT presidential in the least, and she is far too crooked to be trusted with that much power.

Sadly, all the political binaries in America refuse to look beyond these two horrible candidates. Expect 4 years of incompetence or getting robbed by the government.

As for the debate last night, I listened to about 30 minutes of it before I got fed up and went to bed. The idea that either of these people could be our next president was far too depressing.


This editorial makes a valid point: The Left's outrage against what Trump said is quite disingenuous. The Left has many supporters who have said and done worse, yet we don't hear a peep of protest against them. As usual, you can get away with anything as long as your political views are "correct", or you support the Left's candidates.

New York Post
How dumb do Washington bureaucrats think you are? Really amazingly dumb. Now we have hard data to prove it.

Instead of polling Americans about Washington again, a pair of academics at Johns Hopkins tried something new — polling Washington about Americans. What they found was a combination of ignorance, contempt and disdain.

Survey data from the polled group — staffers from the White House and Capitol Hill plus career civil servants and the policy community of lobbyists and others who work closely with government from outside it — indicate that the functionary class thinks of itself as our betters. Our bosses, not our representatives. They see their own judgment as being far superior to that of the rest of us — the people whose wishes they are supposed to be carrying out.

The revelations in the new book “What Washington Gets Wrong: The Unelected Officials Who Actually Run the Government and Their Misconceptions about the American People,” by Jennifer Bachner and Benjamin Ginsberg, serve up the side benefit of providing a partial explanation for the rise of Donald Trump.
Even though I would never vote for Trump, I do sympathize with him more than Hillary. She is exemplary of this Washington mindset of "we know what's good for you better than you do". They come crawling to us for support every 4 years and then do whatever they please the rest of the time.

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