Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Comic Book Fixes

Just a few of my random ideas for fixing comic books and comic book-related tv shows and movies:

Remember the really bad Fantastic 4 movie (above)? It was a train wreck all around, so othe5r than casting Spongebob as Ben Grimm (which could make it better actually), there was nothing to learn from it.

The first series (above) was ok, albeit light on character development. Therein lies the solution to the Fantastic 4's problem: With 4 characters to develop, it needs a tv show. Hello Netflix/Fox TV!

Ever since the "Secret Wars/Battleworld", event, the Marvel comic universe, aka 616 to the comic book initiated, is a disaster area. Victor von doom is now Iron Man? Captain America is a sleeper Hydra agent. Even with an explanation, these are silly. And this is just scratching the surface.

Time to reboot everything and start from scratch. There is no saving this cluster-F.

Speaking of reboots...

Somewhere along the way, DC got the clever idea they need to make all their characters dark, like Batman. News flash: Dark ONLY works for Batman and Daredevil. Thank you Frank Miller.

The DCMU (DC Movie Universe) needs a desperate reboot, with special attention paid to replacing Superman. Bring back Brandon Routh and dump Henry "Can't act his way out of a paper bag" Cavill. Superman needs to return to his Christopher Reeves role. It's worked quite well on the Supergirl tv show. Take the hint.

Speaking of which...

Why is there a tv Flash and a movie Flash? What exactly can you hope to tell in the movie that you haven't already covered in the tv show, which is half-decent?

Simple solution: Allow the tv show actors to appear in the Justice League movie. Whoever thought of having a Flash movie and tv show should be fired.

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