Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Don't trust Democrats: Today's news for September 14th

The news today seems to have a central theme: Don't trust Democrats.

The hacker persona Guccifer 2.0 has released a new trove of documents that allegedly reveal more information about the Democratic National Committee's finances and personal information on Democratic donors, as well as details about the DNC's network infrastructure. 
The cache also includes purported memos on tech initiatives from Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine’s time as governor of Virginia, and some years-old missives on redistricting efforts and DNC donor outreach strategy.
In other words, expect a steady flow of news stories in the coming days as journalists datamine these documents.

For example...

Matt Forney:
I’ve obtained evidence via Wikileaks’ recent DNC leak that the Democratic Party may have been engaging in insider trading, which is illegal. 
Insider trading is a form of securities fraud, trading on the stock market using confidential information that the general public does not have access to.
Unfortunately, Forney's evidence is circumstantial, at best. He found stock lists, and some of them are timed questionably. But if you make  along list of stocks at any time, you are likely to pick up big buying or selling opportunities on that list. That is called "coincidence".

I am not rejecting his thesis, merely stating that his evidence isn't near conclusive. It could be a good starting point for an investigation.

But he has more....

Matt Forney:
I’ve obtained evidence via Wikileaks’ recent DNC leak that the Democratic Party’s state data swapping program enables the party to commit automated voter fraud on a massive scale. 
The DNC’s system enables them to delete voters from the rolls, change their registration or anything they want. 
The DNC likely used the system against Bernie Sanders’ supporters in the primary this year.
Forney then goes on to prove HOW the Democrats could do this. But he fails to prove that they actually DID.

That said, I do find it disturbing that a political party has the ability to change voter rolls. This should be ended immediately.

There is still more from Forney...

Matt Forney:
The DNC leak has exposed massive amounts of corruption in the DNC, as well as incredibly poor cybersecurity.

The Democrats were planning a massive gerrymander with the 2010 Census, according to the DNC leak.

In 2010, the Republicans took back control of the House of Representatives and also won the majority of governorships and state legislative chambers.

Democrats and the mainstream media accused the Republicans of gerrymandering following the 2010 Census to keep the House in GOP hands.

However, the DNC leak shows that the Democrats already had their own elaborate plan to gerrymander the House.
Forney does make a valid case here. So the next time you hear Democrats whining about how the Republicans gerrymandered after the 2010 elections, remind them the Democrats would have done the same thing if they had won.

On a side note, the irony here is that if Obama hadn't pushed Obamacare through on a partisan vote, they might have been able to go through with their plan. They might have held the Congress for the rest of this decade, and beyond.

Back to Forney...
...The Democrats allowed their donors’ credit card info to be compromised.

The DNC leak contains the credit card info of everyone who donated to the DNC between 2008 and 2010.

...The credit card info was stored on the DNC’s servers with virtually no protection whatsoever.
Again, Forney makes a valid case here. If you donated to the Democratic Party between 2008 and 2010, it's time to cancel your credit card.
...The Democrats may be violating campaign finance law through their relationship with OFA.

Organizing for America (OFA) was a community organizing group founded by President Obama.

The DNC leak shows that OFA and the DNC have de facto merged and are collaborating in possibly illegal ways.
Is it illegal? I have no idea. Is it unethical? To be honest, I would only call it unethical if it is also illegal. Sharing donor lists doesn't seem wrong to me, as long as your donors know you might be doing it.
The Democrats used early voting to force an Obama victory in 2008. 
The DNC leak shows that the Democrats were using early voting in North Carolina to pad Obama’s margin of victory.
According to the data Forney posted on his website, the Republicans were winning the early North Carolina voting. I don't think he is reading it right.

Overall, I give Forney credit for his research skills. However, he needs to be a bit more objective with what he is seeing.

Speaking of crooked Democrats...

The Daily Caller:
More than $9 million of Department of State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The Department of State funded a Peace Corps program created by Dr. Vanessa Kerry and officials from both agencies, records show. The Peace Corps then awarded the money without competition to a nonprofit Kerry created for the program.

Initially, the Peace Corps awarded Kerry’s group — now called Seed Global Health — with a three-year contract worth $2 million of State Department money on Sept. 10, 2012, documents show. Her father was then the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which oversees both the Department of State and the Peace Corps.

Seed secured a four-year extension in September 2015, again without competition. This time, the Peace Corps gave the nonprofit $6.4 million provided by the Department of State while John Kerry was secretary of state.
While this organization was charitable:
...[Vanessa] Kerry drew a salary from Seed for the first time in 2014. She was the only officer listed on the nonprofit’s 990 tax form to receive compensation — some $140,000 for a reported 30 hours per week.
Nice work if you can get it.

On to other Democrats...

Fox News:
Colin Powell attempted to persuade Hillary Clinton and her aides to not use him as a scapegoat for the controversy surrounding her private email server, according to leaked emails hacked from the former secretary of state’s Gmail account. 
In the emails, which were obtained by The Intercept, Powell wrote to at least one confidant about his repeated warning to Clinton not to blame him for the scandal. 
“I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s party to get their attention. She keeps tripping into these ‘character’ minefields,” he wrote. He also had tried to settle the matter in a meeting with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in August. 
In a separate email, Powell said he “warned her staff three times over the past two years not to try to connect it to me. I am not sure HRC even knew or understood what was going on in the basement.”
If you ever wonder why Republicans seem to have trouble getting along with Democrats, consider this little exchange. Just like with the Obamacare legislation, Democrats will do whatever they please, and screw the consequences. Then when things go south on them, they find a way to blame the Republicans, as Powell discovered the hard way.

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