Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hillary's missing 50 points: Part 2 of today's news for September 22nd

Zero Hedge:
Seemingly shocked that after spending 10s of millions of dollars, she remains only modestly ahead in the polls, Hillary Clinton exclaimed during an teleconference with the Laborers' International Union of North America, saying, "Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?" Donald Trump was quick offer a three word reason... "because you're terrible!"
When you consider their ad spending, this is a valid question:

That cannot be the complete answer, otherwise the following guy would be winning...

New York Daily News:

This editorial is a classic case of big government stupidity, from establishment tool Jason Silverstein:
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, who is seemingly unaware of terrorism in America and abroad, wants to shut down the Department of Homeland Security to save money. 
The low-polling Libertarian sees the department devoted to national security as “just another layer of bureaucracy,” he told the Fox Business Network on Monday. 
“Homeland Security, what do they really do?” he pondered. 
“Why are there armed Homeland Security agents walking the streets now? Why are those black, unmarked vehicles Homeland Security? What do they do? I just think the morale is low within the Department of Homeland Security and nobody knows really what they do.” 
The DHS was formed in 2002 in response to the intelligence failings prior to 9/11. There would not have been a need for the DHS if it weren't for the infamous "Gorelick wall" put up between various government agencies which prevented them from sharing information into terrorist activities. President Bill Clinton's deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick was the person responsible for this regulation. Gorelick has had her hands on so many controversies over the past 20 years, only the Clintons have more. Gorelick was one of the people responsible for the intelligence failings leading up to 9/11, and then ironically served on the commission to investigate it (no conflict of interest there, right?). She was also a vice chairman of Fannie Mae from 1997-2003 (where she received over $26 million in income). She was British Petroleum's top legal advisor after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. If that isn't enough, she helped defend Duke University from a lawsuit filed by members of the lacrosse team after the infamous Duke lacrosse scandal. With Jamie Gorelick, when she isn't chasing dark scandal clouds, they are following her.

Back to the DHS, there would not be a need for the DHS if the departments would just communicate with each other. Bureaucracies like the DHS don't facilitate communication. Don't believe me? Ask yourself how many terrorist attacks we had before 2002, and how many have we had since then?

Gary Johnson is spot-on.

The Daily Caller:
Stone Mountain, Georgia — a city with just over 6,000 residents and a poverty rate well above the national average — has resettled more Syrian refugees than Los Angeles and New York City combined.
"Tiny Georgia Town" is misleading. This isn't some backwoods Georgia town out of Deliverance. Stone Mountain is part of the greater Atlanta metropolitan area.

That said, the number of refugees the article is discussing is also fairly tiny:
Since October 1 (the start of the fiscal year), 72 Syrian refugees have been placed in Stone Mountain, State Department data shows. Los Angeles has resettled just 45 Syrian refugees, while NYC has only resettled nine. 
Syrians aren’t the only refugees placed in Stone Mountain this year. Since October 1, 299 refugees have been resettled in the Georgia town. That’s roughly five percent of Stone Mountain’s July, 2015 population (6,109, according to U.S. Census data). 
The largest group of refugees are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which had 83 refugees placed in Stone Mountain.
So where are the thousands of Syrian refugees I keep hearing about?

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