Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Schlafly dead: Today's news for September 6, 2016

Phyllis Schlafly, a prominent anti-feminist and early leader of the social conservative movement, died Monday at the age of 92 at her home in St. Louis.

Schlafly, an outspoken voice against the liberalism of the 1960's and 1970's, was a towering figure in what emerged as the modern religious right. Her death was confirmed by the Eagle Forum, the Missouri-based advocacy organization she led.

"Her focus from her earliest days until her final ones was protecting the family, which she understood as the building block of life. She recognized America as the greatest political embodiment of those values," the statement read. "From military superiority and defense to immigration and trade; from unborn life to the nuclear family and parenthood, Phyllis Schlafly was a courageous and articulate voice for common sense and traditional values."

Schlafly was most well-known for her work fighting the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970's, emerging as one of the leading female critics of the feminist movement.
While I agreed with "what" Schlafly valued, I disagreed with "how". Like many on the Left, Schlafly was a person who viewed government as a source of American greatness, and wanted to use it to support socially conservative values, without realizing the values came from American culture, not from American government.

That said, her attacks on the Left were vicious, like a laser-guided missile right to the heart of the Left's arguments. She could tear them apart like few others, and for that she will be missed.

In other news...

Washington Post:
U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are investigating what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said. 
The aim is to understand the scope and intent of the Russian campaign, which incorporates ­cyber-tools to hack systems used in the political process, enhancing Russia’s ability to spread disinformation.
Why is this news? I wouldn't be surprised if China was doing the same thing, along with Iran, North Korea, and anybody else with a grudge against the U.S.

Cal me paranoid, or even  a conspiracist, but this sounds more like propaganda than news. Why else would a "business as usual" news story be put out as "news"? The only thing that worries me about something like this is whether it is simple scaremongering, or scaremongering with a purpose.

What would be the purpose? Perhaps somebody knows about an election disruption in advance, and wants a ready-made excuse for it. In other words, when something goes wrong on Election Day, expect the Russians to take the fall for it.

Speaking of Russians, check out this picture from the G20 meeting on Monday:

(hat tip to La Tribuna for the pic)

Ok Obama, where was THAT face in your other negotiations? I love that face! That is a "don't f*ck with me" face! That is American leadership at its finest!

If Obama had started his presidency with that face, the past 8 years would have been a LOT different! 

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