Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sean Hannity's Partisanship

Naturally, the "she" Hannity is referring to is Hillary Clinton. While I will give Hannity a pass because he is a genuinely nice guy with whom I would gladly share a few beers, his partisanship is on display here. The pro-Trump view which Hannity displays is all too common.

One ugly aspect of partisanship, and this goes for both the Republicans and Democrats, is the idea that if you don't vote for "our guy/gal", then you are electing the "other guy/gal". This is yet another embodiment of the wasted vote theory, which assumes it is impossible for a third party to win.

Since Libertarian Gary Johnson is on the ballot in all 50 states (and D.C.), it is possible for him to win. Think of him as the green "00" on the roulette wheel. It may not come up often, but it CAN hit. So the wasted vote theory is moot this time around. You CAN vote for someone with whom you agree. You CAN vote for someone who isn't crazy, or isn't a complete criminal, without any guilt.

But I will allow a hypothetical: What if there was no Gary Johnson on your ballot? What then? George Carlin has the solution:

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