Thursday, September 29, 2016

The UN and slave reparations

The United States should give African-Americans reparations for slavery, UN experts said Tuesday, warning that the country had not yet confronted its legacy of “racial terrorism.” 
Amid a presidential election campaign in which racial rhetoric has played a central role, the UN working group on people of African descent warned that blacks in the United States are facing a “human rights crisis.” 
This has largely been fueled by impunity for police officers who have killed a series of black men — many of them unarmed — across the country in recent months, the working group’s report said. 
Those killings “and the trauma they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynchings,” said the report, which was presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday.
(The above was extracted from a New York Post story.)

This story has two sides to it, neither of which make the conclusion reasonable.

First, there is the United Nations itself, which is a diplomatic body made of many authoritarian nations who despise the United States for multiple reasons. Just as I believe the U.S. should not intervene in the internal matters of other countries, I take a similar view to their "suggestions" to the U.S. To me, the U.N. is just a stepping stone to a world government that will probably be closer to George Orwell's worst nightmare than anything useful.

Second, there is America's "legacy of racial terrorism". The definition of terrorism is, as stated by
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. 
While there are still active laws in the U.S. which were created due to racism, such as the Davis-Bacon Act, the majority of Jim Crow laws have either been removed or ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Black lynchings are a thing of the past, only performed by a small racist minority in the rarest of circumstances, with the perpetrators immediately arrested and imprisoned. As for people who remember the injustices of the Civil Rights era, they are growing old. Most people of any color are too young to remember such things.

What is left isn't "terrorism". There are no more uses of "violence and threats to intimidate or coerce". At worst, the average young black person may face microaggressions, which is less than what the average 5-year old victim of schoolyard bullying faces.

"But what about cops shooting innocent blacks?" I have news for you: We have a problem with cops being armed bullies in society, period. We spend so much time talking about blacks being shot by cops, and not nearly enough time wondering about cops being arrogant a-holes with guns. This has nothing to do with blacks suffering from a "legacy of racial terrorism", and everything about handing cops a legal buffet of charges to choose from, in order to bring charges against anyone they don't like. And if their victim objects, it's a shame about them being shot, huh?

Frankly, with the black community violently protesting every single shooting of a black person regardless of whether the cops were justified, this sends the message "black people are untouchable and should be above the law". It seems silly to consider reparations for this minority of spoiled brats. None of them lived through slavery, and most of them are too young to remember the Civil Rights movement (if they are even old enough to have been born during it, which most aren't). All they have is what the Media and our educational system have told them, which is they aren't responsible for anything in life because of "racism", even though most wouldn't know true racism if it bit them in the butt. All they know is every instance of someone telling them "no" or not giving them exactly what they want is because of racism.

Sometimes, life is rough. Deal with it.

It is well past time for the black community to man up and take responsibility. Just because you are black and that thug down the street is black doesn't mean when the cops kill him, they will be coming for you next. Sometimes, it just means they might have saved your life because he might have killed you in the future.

Of course, looting your local grocery store just to protest a black man being shot will definitely solve your problem, because...why?

So if you are trying to prove the racists are right, keep it up. Maybe even sprinkle some graffiti around the country like this:

There is nothing like "kill white people" to get the white people to notice you, right?

Call it a hunch, but reparations aren't happening any time soon.

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