Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Left's Cognitive Dissonance

The National Review's David French nails the Left's cognitive dissonance with his latest editorial, "Even if You Believe the Left’s Excuses, Hillary Clinton Still Violated Criminal Law":
The most charitable possible reading of the evidence cannot vindicate Clinton.  
Last Friday, Twitter provided a near-perfect window into America’s divided, polarized soul. That afternoon, the FBI released its heavily redacted report and interview notes regarding Hillary Clinton’s e-mails, and the responses could not have been more different.
...Hillary’s team wiped her server after the New York Times disclosed its existence — at the same time that Hillary herself was publicly calling for the release of her e-mails to the public. Incredibly, Hillary told investigators that she didn’t pay attention to the “level” of classification attached to e-mail communications and didn’t know what the (C) classification meant. She conveniently “forgot” numerous key facts. And — finally — though she used 13 e-mail-capable mobile devices during her tenure as secretary of state, her lawyers were unable to locate any of them. Thus, the FBI was unable to conduct a forensic examination and was unable to definitely determine if her e-mail had been hacked.  
In short, what the FBI file revealed was the extent of the Clinton deception operation, complete with lurid details — such as aides smashing old Blackberries with a hammer, an IT employee declaring an “oh s***” moment as he rushed to delete files, and Cheryl Mills participating as an attorney in the proceedings even though she was a witness and possible subject in the investigation.
Here we have enough smoke to fill an indoor arena, yet the Left will still claim, "Nothing to see here folks, move along"?

French makes a pretty damning case against Hillary's apologists, including this part:
Yet soldiers and sailors are routinely prosecuted and punished for equivalent or even lesser acts, including in cases that never make the media. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’ve participated — as a JAG officer — in the process.
I am reminded of FBI Director James Comey's statement about not pressing charges against Hillary over the emails:
To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
There was a clear decision made not to pursue charges against Hillary, even though any other person would have faced them (which Comey admits). We all know the reason was political.

That political reason is also why the Left is in denial about Hillary's guilt.

Hillary committed a crime, got away with it, and the Left is voting for her anyway. Cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing. It is like a diabetic eating a big slice of chocolate cake. Screw the consequences, it feels good! Unfortunately, there is no insulin shot for electing criminals.

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