Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Is Sanders a bigger loon than Trump?

Another week, another David Harsanyi editorial! Life is good...

This week's gem: "Friendly Reminder: Bernie Sanders Is A Bigger Authoritarian Than Donald Trump". Sadly, I doubt the Millenials who need to read this editorial will be. But that's just more preachy enjoyment for those of us sitting in the choir...

David starts out with this premise:
Let’s concede that the media’s distress about Donald Trump’s nomination is well founded. I certainly believe so. 
If so, surely it’s also fair to point out that Bernie Sanders is by any measure an authoritarian as well. In many ways, Sanders’ proposed state intrusions into the lives of citizens are more significant, enduring, intrusive, and revolutionary than Trump’s. 
Read the entire article before continuing. You can thank me later.

You done? Good. A few things David says...
Somehow it seems to escape the attention of most of those covering the race that Bernie is a champion of an economic system that has caused more suffering and destitution than any other in modern history. 
I doubt it escapes their attention. His supporters are either too young to remember communism, or too poor to travel to Europe to see the devastating effects of the modern welfare socialist state, or they are lifelong communists still excusing the failures of communism/socialism throughout history.
(Yes, democratic socialists tend to attain power through “democratic” means in countries where democratic systems are in place.)
Thank you David! It is about time someone mentioned that. Whenever I challenge a socialist on their preferred ideology, they always come back with, "But it's democratic socialism", as if that is somehow different. When my daughter first used that socialist's excuse on me, I responded with a sarcastic, "As if the tyranny of the majority makes it all better!" Does it really make a difference if a dictator, an oligarchy, or a democracy decides to throw open the doors to the treasury?
...public schools have done such a swell job educating young Americans, they might actually believe the state can provide them with free things.
This one could easily be "quote of the day".

But I do have to take exception to one thing David said:
Well, Bernie seems to believe that life around here is ugly, unjust, and unfair. In his zero-sum dystopia, oligarchs can steal your future and your vote, and oilmen can cause cataclysmic weather events and make an education unattainable — never mind that more kids are going to college than ever before. The system is rigged, and the banks charge you interest! And democracy is stolen by, among others, the “Koch Brothers” — who have actually sat out this cycle, but whatever.
Actually, there is something to be said for Bernie's diagnosis, even if his solution is out of the Marxist playbook.

We do live in an oligarchy, where people with money or power can do whatever they like, including ignoring the laws. Bankers like Lloyd Blankfein and politicians like Hillary Clinton can do anything from collapsing the economy to breaking national security laws, all with impunity. The political system is even rigged to keep these people on top (we saw that in play in both parties). The Media overlooks the actions of these people even while cheering them.

By the way, David, remember this tweet?

David, it isn't a "conspiracy theory" if the world really IS this way!

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