Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Why I hate Jamie Dimon

Consider this my disclaimer post. I despise Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase.

First, let me say I am a firm believer in the free market. I have nothing against corporate America in general. I am all for laissez faire economics.

However, there are two people who represent everything I hate about America's economic system today: Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs) and Jamie Dimon. My reason is simple: They helped create the crony capitalism which America suffers from today, and then they proceeded to benefit from it, at the expense of millions of Americans. Many lost their homes or jobs (or both) because of rich grifters like these two.

As for Jamie Dimon, my last post covered him perfectly: Not only is he a jerk, he is shameless about it. He toots his own horn for giving his lowest paid employees a raise (over 3 years) after he's has already laid off tens of thousands of them over the last few years, without even mentioning the $7 million raise he got earlier this year, which he got thanks to his "cost -cutting" (read: layoffs). He is slime incarnate.

If you want to know why I believe government should not be involved in Wall Street, and vice versa, just look at Jamie Dimon. He is like a pimp, getting our political whores to prostitute themselves for him. Then when he screws up, they bail him out, so he can keep them "high" on campaign donations.

Just remember, Dimon was CEO of JPMorgan before the economic collapse, and JPMorgan got bailout money from the government. And yet...Dimon is STILL CEO of JPMorgan. How can someone epically fail like that, and still keep their job? ANSWER: Layoff thousands of people who work for them instead. Huh?

I won't go so far as to say Dimon should be in jail for his failure during the economic collapse (although it wouldn't break my heart). But I do believe the "too big to fail" banks should have been allowed to go bankrupt. Their pieces could have been picked up by banks which acted responsibly, for pennies on the dollar. Then people like Dimon would be unemployed today, instead of collecting $27 million paychecks.

In summary, I despise Jamie Dimon like nobody else. I am sorry to my readers for my bias in regards to him. As for Dimon, I have only this to say to him: You are my definition of evil. I pray there is a special place in Hell for people like you.

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