Monday, July 11, 2016

Why are cops killing blacks? Why are blacks killing cops?

For those of you offended by the remotest whiff of racism, I would ask you to go to another web page. I am about to get racist here. I am going to travel down a train of thought, and it needs to be done without impediments from logic-distracting political correctness. One cannot find an unknown truth by only looking for answers in a well-defined box.

Let us begin with the big question: Why are cops killing blacks?

It seems to me the main reason to kill someone is you are afraid of them. They are either making a provocative action, or they have behaved towards you with violence in the past. There is also a third possibility: Someone LIKE them has made you afraid of them.

Racism is an ugly answer, but it is also the instinctive answer. As humans, we have within our survival instinct the need to recognize dangerous animals versus non-dangerous animals. If we see our buddy Bob getting eaten by a tiger, we quickly learn to identify tigers in the future, so we can avoid and/or kill them.

Sadly, we also apply this to people who look different from us.

Fortunately, we can also distinguish between "this animal" and "that animal". Ergo, we can distinguish between one black person and another black person. While Micah X might be a "bad black", there is also Michael Jordan, who is a "good black". But what happens to cops who get exposed to more "bad blacks"? On top of that, cops don't have the luxury of "avoiding certain parts of town". They have to go to places where even black people don't want to go.

I say this because I had a friend in high school who went to work for the FBI years later. He was a white man who worked undercover in the worst parts of Philadelphia. And I witnessed him become racist over the years. He didn't become "evil", he just became racist. People don't "become" racist, unless experience teaches them.

Have you ever spoken with one of our war veterans who have returned from Iraq or Afghanistan? They tend to lump all Muslims into one category. Sure, they may reference a few of them who they got to know well, but the rest get lumped into the "other Muslim" category, because many of the other Muslims were trying to kill them. This is pure survival instinct. If your buddy Bob got his upper body blown away by one of the "other Muslims", do you really want to take a chance?

Back to the cops, police officers can get along quite well with blacks they know, just like soldiers can get along with the "enemies" they know. But when the cops have seen too many of their comrades get killed or attacked by black people, they get a PTSD reaction to it. Shoot first, ask questions later. I am not excusing their actions, only pointing out how they are reacting.

You will notice most of these "cops shooting blacks" incidents have occurred in or near large cities, with large populations of segregated poor black people. This is the war zone, and even innocent blacks should avoid these areas. When you hear about "black on black" crime, this is where it happens, and these cops see the results of it every day.

In summary, when a black man gives these PTSD-stricken cops any reason at all to be nervous, these cops react with what both instinct and experience have taught them. Like any war zone, sometimes innocents get killed.

This leads to our second question: Why are blacks killing cops?

While cops being killed by blacks is nothing new (Disclaimer: Whites kill cops too), the spate of them in the past week is new. Why now?

Because the Media has carefully orchestrated a race war. Going back to Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, the Media has carefully supported the storyline that there is no justice for blacks. (You can actually go back further, but for young blacks these are fresh incidents in their minds, reflecting current realities.)

The Media ignores black-on-white and black-on-black crime, even as it propagandizes injustice against blacks. This leads to silliness like this (from the Washington Times):
Likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Friday said white people have to start listening to “legitimate cries” coming from the black community, pointing out that she has said repeatedly on the campaign trail there needs to be more “love and kindness.” 
“I will call for white people like myself to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have the talk about how to really protect themselves when they’re the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with the police,” Mrs. Clinton said in an interview on CNN. 
“I’m going to be talking to white people. I think we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.
Let's go talk to white people, because cops and the black people are fighting? What? Sorry Hillary, but I think you have already been talking to too many white people...

But away from the silly white woman, blacks saw a perfect one-two: First, the incontrovertible shooting, followed by one aftermath of a separate shooting. One creates anger, while the second stokes the fires of rage. And the Media set up the cops perfectly to take the fall for both.

As soon as the cops started falling, the Media's reaction was the tell for what they had planned all along. For once, I have to agree with Al Sharpton. From the Daily Beast:
Does the New York Post have, at long last, no sense of decency?

That, anyway, was the reaction of the Rev. Al Sharpton Friday morning when he saw the rabble-rousing cover of Rupert Murdoch’s American tabloid—a blurry photograph of two prostrate Dallas police officers lying beside squad cars, apparently the victims of a sniper, and the headline, “CIVIL WAR: Four cops killed at anti-police protest.”
...[Al Sharpton] told The Daily Beast: “I thought the cover of the Post was unnecessarily incendiary and inflammatory. Although I unequivocally denounce what happened in Dallas and have stood with the families in Baton Rouge and Minnesota”—where cops were caught on video this week shooting and killing young African American men without apparent justification—“by no stretch of the imagination is this a civil war.” 
He added: “To say it’s a civil war is to act like all policemen are like the two cops in Louisiana and Minnesota, and that all blacks are like whoever the gunmen were in Dallas. The Civil War was two regions of the country fighting against each other, not individuals that were stepping outside of the boundaries of the law.”
Did Al Sharpton just say what I thought he said? All blacks are NOT the same?

There you have it: The answer to the second question is all blacks are NOT killing cops. This is just a Media-generated fantasy war. Then again, when you look at the first question, all cops are NOT killing blacks either, nor are they killing JUST blacks.

In spite of the Media-generated war, I still can't help but thinking that cops and blacks will continue to look at each other sideways, even if they don't buy into the "civil war" angle. The worst part is: Both sides are right.

When cops spend every day in a war zone where they see black people killing and attacking anyone on two legs, the cops have every reason to be suspicious. And when innocent blacks get targeted by cops oppressively, they also have every reason to distrust or even hate law enforcement. On the bright side, if you can call it that, the Media will continue making money off of their mutual distrust.

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