Thursday, July 28, 2016

Trump and the Russians

There is a MASSIVE Media attack on Donald Trump underway, trying to link him to the Russians, based on the recent hacker attacks on the Democratic National Committee, and Trump's subsequent encouragement of them. But it doesn't really matter.

First, here is a recent sampling of articles about Trump and Russia:

I will gladly concede this point to the Media. In football terms, this is the equivalent of "piling on". Trump is already unworthy of the White House. 

The problem with attacking Trump is that he has to have violated worse laws than Hillary Clinton to even make some kind of binary argument about unworthiness for the White House. Connecting him to the Russians only puts him in the same category as Hillary, who has her own financial connections to Russia.

We can easily spend the next 3+ months tearing down both Trump and Hillary, but the truth is that neither of them are worthy. They are both elitists, who live in a world most of us can only view from a distance, or step into for a few minutes before returning to our "little people" world. 

Most Americans don't get a chance to make personal deals with the Russians. However, if you vote for Trump or Clinton in November, consider that your "proxy deal" with the Russians. You can be a useful idiot too. 

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