Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Back to ClinTrump: Today's news for August 23, 2016

If you were wondering when the Media would get back to bashing Trump and Clinton, today is your lucky day!

Fox News:
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called for an “expedited investigation” by a special prosecutor into “pay-to-play” accusations involving the Clinton Foundation... 
“The Clintons' made the State Department into the same kind of Pay-to-Play operations as the Arkansas Government was: pay the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money and throw in some big speaking fees for Bill Clinton and you got to play with the State Department,” Trump said at a campaign rally Monday night in Akron, Ohio. 
“The amounts involved, the favors done, the significant amount of time, require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately,” he added. 
Trump also called the investigation by the FBI and Justice Department into Clinton’s private email server a “whitewash,” and said that the two agencies “cannot be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate Hillary Clinton’s crimes.”
If you are wondering what Trump is talking about in Pay-To-Play, here it is:

Communities Digital News:
One day after news broke that top Hillary aide Huma Abedin served for a decade as the assistant editor of radical Islamic journal, the Clinton Foundation is embroiled in questions about pay-for-play and special access allegations. These were brought to light by watchdog group Judicial Watch. Once again, Abedin is directly involved in the controversy.

Judicial Watch has released 725 pages of emails that were previously undisclosed by the Clinton Campaign, calling into question Clinton’s testimony before the House Benghazi panel. There she clearly said that all of her work-related emails had been turned over.

One of the most significant revelations from this latest document dump is the relationship between Huma Abedin, the Clinton Foundation, and the Prince of Bahrain.
Trump is right about this needing to be investigated by a special prosecutor. The Obama administration is far too corrupt. They already dropped the ball on Hillary's email scandal.

Naturally, the Left strikes back...


So what was Trump's great big evil sin? Read on:
A CNN examination of the period included the review of hundreds of pages of testimony, depositions, financial and legal documents, as well as interviews with more than a dozen former state and federal regulators, lawyers, executives from targeted companies and former Trump organization employees. It reveals a game plan for the novice, would-be corporate raider that bears striking resemblance to the playbook deployed by Trump the novice politician. It lays clear his penchant for operating without the advice -- or even acknowledgment -- of top advisers, placing a heavy emphasis on using the media to further his efforts and deploying bare-knuckled tactics punctuated by efforts to mislead, bully and even punish opponents.

The central issue for many was whether Trump was engaged in the tactic known as "greenmailing." It was an entirely legal strategy repeatedly deployed by activist investors throughout the 1980s -- a practice that, for lack of a better description, amounts to a corporate ransom payment. It works like this: an investor quietly buys up a significant amount of a targeted company's stock and threatens a takeover attempt. The company, in an effort to make the investor just go away, makes a deal to buy that stock back at a premium. The investor nets the difference.
It's a practice that has all but disappeared in the decades since, snuffed out by a series of state laws and a federal excise tax designed explicitly to rid companies of the threat many deemed as stock manipulation. But it was, at the time, entirely legal -- something Trump himself made clear when he testified in April 1987 before the New Jersey Casino Commission.

"The practice is a totally legal practice, however, it's something, the name, greenmailer, is not a very pretty word," Trump said, according to the transcript of the hearing of obtained by CNN. "It's a practice that on Wall Street is very open and common and done quite a bit."
So Trump did something perfectly legal although ethically questionable, but he has been honest about it ever since then.

Let's compare that with Clinton's clearly and undeniably illegal activity which she has lied about from day one. In today's news battle, I have to give the points to Trump. 

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