Friday, August 26, 2016

The racist label

"Put simply, most white people in this country fear being called racist more than they fear any other thing in American public life."--Clay Travis
The quote above is from an article titled, "ESPN Argues Ryan Lochte Represents White Privilege, Fails Miserably". I am not interested in Lochte, who acted like a drunk frat boy in Rio. However, throwing the racism charge onto him is beyond absurd, since he did nothing that was even subtly racist. There were no minorities involved in his activities. Attaching him to "white privilege" is a silly elitist game.

If you want to understand how the racist label can be applied to Trump, but then be ignored by a large percentage of the voting public, look no further than frivolous racism charges like this. White America is tired of living in fear of this modern Spanish Inquisition. When we can't even do something stupid without being labeled a racist, even though no black people were involved, it has gone too far.

White America looks at how the Media treats Trump, and we actually sympathize with him. He says Mexican murders and rapists are being allowed into the country, and we know this is true. It isn't a blanket aspersion on all Mexicans, and we see that. Yet the Media paints him as a racist for it.

Just like blacks get profiled by cops, so too do whites get profiled by the PC police in our culture. This must end, or else true racism will come back. If you think Trump is racist, you ain't seen nothing yet.

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