Friday, August 5, 2016

Hating Hillary

So Joanne Cronrath Bamberger at U.S. News & World Report has decided to go out on a very thin limb in defense of Hillary Clinton with an editorial titled, "The Problem With Hillary-Hate".

Joanne meanders for awhile, using all kinds of narrow-minded examples for why to hate Hillary. It is an interesting strawman she uses to paint Hillary haters, even if it is wrong:
It's a Hillary thing because Clinton is the definition of a transitional figure that people are uncomfortable with. She's the 1950s Goldwater girl who turned into the 1960s bell-bottom-wearing feminist Wellesley grad. She's a professionally accomplished woman who was skewered as an Arkansas first lady who dared to flex her mental muscles. She had the audacity to want to use her brain to help the country rather than defaulting to being a Jackie Kennedy-style FLOTUS. And she had the chutzpah to start a run for her own U.S. Senate seat while her husband Bill was still in the Oval Office.
There may be somebody out there who hates Hillary for these reasons, but I don't personally know them.

But then Joanne finally arrives at the real reason...and glosses over it:
It's a Hillary thing because so many have allowed themselves to be taken in by GOP faux scandal-mongering from the 1990s through today: Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Benghazi, emails. The list goes on. Yet, if one spends any time looking at various "-gates", Hillary always comes out with no charges against her, and the most that we're left with is that she's too guarded or cautious.
Joanne, how does Hillary do it? It always helps to have your former president husband meet with the U.S. attorney general in an airplane to get the charges against you dropped. When the FBI director even comes right out and says anyone else who did what Hillary did would have faced "sanctions", it leaves a bad smell.

All the controversies from the 1990's come back to people's minds when they see Hillary escape justice in full view of the world. This has nothing to do with Hillary's sex, and everything to do with the fact she is a crook. With Hillary's email scandal, we only know the crime on the surface. What was she trying to cover up with it? We don't know, and that is what makes her dangerous.

It's also an "us" thing because we take Clinton to task for things we'd rarely chastise male politicians for doing. Exhibit A? Donald Trump makes hay on mocking the disabled, Bernie Sanders gets points for claiming to be a bastion of transparency while never releasing his tax returns, but when Hillary weathers countless rounds of Benghazi investigations and comes out clean every time, the common response is: "Meh. I still don't believe it." We have the media to thank for that, at least in part.
And if a man got accused of wrongdoing as many times as she has, would we just ignore it? The Media might, if it was a Democrat (except for Fox News, which does the opposite for Republicans).
Last month Harvard released a study that showed – finally –that coverage of Clinton was many times more negative than that for Sanders or Trump, and that it appeared to have an impact on the support, or lack thereof, for the candidates. Slant the news stories, and our views end up being slanted, too.
Not that Harvard is biased at all...

Seriously, Clinton won anyway. And from what I have seen from the Media, they are firmly in Hillary's pocket.
The problem is that our daughters and sons are being taught that it's not only acceptable to criticize each other with outright lies, but also that people will believe those lies if the media parrot them back to us enough times. If the less-than-objective coverage of Hillary Clinton continues, especially now that Clinton is finally and officially the first woman Democratic presidential nominee, the name-calling and attacking and booing that she gets, but that Trump doesn't, further ingrains our sexist, negative views about powerful women. And that's not just a "Hillary thing."
She is right. It isn't just a "Hillary thing". It is all Democratic politicians. To be honest, I find Democratic politicians in general to be despicable. Like Hillary, they use power to mask their sins, even as they abuse their control over the American people, all while selling Americans on the lie that Democrats are "compassionate", unless you consider abusing power is compassionate.

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