Friday, August 12, 2016

Random thoughts

If Donald Trump loses this election, what will the Media say if the Republicans run David Duke in 2020? The Media used up all their hyperbole on Trump.

By the way, my theory on why Trump isn't releasing his tax returns: I think they will show him losing money, and proving that he isn't the great business savant everyone thinks he is.

Can we take it on face value that the Clintons are crooked, or do we need to keep repeating this "investigate-evade-get off" exercise over and over again? By the way, anyone who denies the Clintons are crooked needs to lay off the koolaid. Sadly, most of the Media falls into the koolaid category, which is why we have to repeat this exercise over and over again.

When I recently wrote my series on "The Mount Rushmore of Editorialists", I was tempted to include Thomas Sowell, but I decided to limit the list to dead people. However, I still highly recommend Sowell.

I have been watching Netflix's Marco Polo series, which I recommend for all you history fanatics out there. What most impresses me is Benedict Wong's Kublai Khan. Wong has really brought this historical figure to life. Even though the series is about Marco Polo, it is really Wong's Kublai Khan that is the heart of it.

Speaking of Netflix, they have really mastered the art of the tv show. Along with Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Netflix has shown how to give characters three dimensions, even the non-title characters. When I watch network shows, I just don't feel anything for the characters, who feel like cardboard cut-outs of previous characters I have seen. On the other hand, I can watch Marco Polo's Kublai Khan or Daredevil's Wilson Fisk or Jessica Jones' title character all day long. These are deep, rich characters, full of motivation and feelings and flaws. Just like all of us.

Speaking of good characters, if you are a libertarian, make sure to catch the sitcom Parks and Recreation for Nick Offerman's Ron Swanson, the libertarian director of the show's title department. If ever there was a blueprint for how a libertarian should act in a government job, it is Ron Swanson. I want to be Swanson when I grow up. Hm, I may already be there...

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