Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Democrats: The party of drama queens

There is a must-read over at the Atlantic, by David A. Graham, entitled, "The Democrats Who Cried Wolf":
Donald Trump really is different. 
So say his critics, particularly those on the left: He’s dangerously ignorant about policy, and incurious about the world. His views on women are radical and unacceptable. His business career ain’t what it’s cracked up to be. He doesn’t have the temperament to be president. He’s a fascist. His positions are the most extreme any Republican has proposed since Goldwater. 
On Tuesday, President Obama amplified the attack during remarks with the prime minister of Singapore, saying Trump is “woefully unprepared to do this job” of being president. 
“What does this say about your party that this is your standard bearer?” he asked Republicans. “This isn't a situation where you have an episodic gaffe. There has to be a point in which you say, ‘This is not somebody I can support for president of the United States.’” 
To which some American conservatives wearily reply: Oh, you don’t say? Jaundiced after hearing past GOP candidates described in similarly extreme terms, some conservatives feel that Democrats and liberal pundits have cried wolf, describing past Republicans with such elevated levels of alarm that warnings about Trump don’t elicit the same urgency.
Now, the Left's hyperbolic "chicken littles" have come home to roost.

Now, when the Left's message is correct, nobody will listen.

Does anyone think the Left has learned their lesson? Not for a second. They will continue to paint all Republicans with the same coat of mud-coloring, whether it applies or not. Bush, McCain, Romney, Ryan, McConnell and any member of the GOP will all get lumped in with the Trumps and Cruz's, regardless of where they actually fall in the political spectrum. They are all evil racist Nazis, out to steal your Social Security and Medicare, and arm your children with AK-47's.

The funniest part? When you look closely at Trump, he isn't really that far from Hillary Clinton on the political spectrum. But I wouldn't expect the Democrats to ever be that introspective. "Democrats good, Republicans evil, and don't waste your vote on third parties" should be the Democratic Party mantra.

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