Friday, April 22, 2016

Elizabeth Warren: The Democrats' Indian Brave

There is a glowing article about Elizabeth Warren over at The Nation. In case you aren't aware of The Nation's bias, it is in their subheader: "Instigating Progress Daily". So it should be no surprise the title of this article is, "The Most Focused and Effective Democratic Messenger We Have Is Elizabeth Warren". To quote the old joke, "Who 'we', kimosabe?"

Long story short:

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is busy shredding the candidacy of Ted Cruz and inviting everyone to recognize the absurdity of a Republican race in which conservative elites keep trying to position the hapless Texan as an alternative to the noxious prospect of Donald Trump.
So Ted Cruz was whining in an email about how hard it is running for president, and Warren took him down a few notches:

She did not just note the Republican contender’s bellyaching. She put it in perspective. 
“Are you kidding me? We’re supposed to pity him because trying to be the leader of the free world is hard?!” Warren wrote on Facebook and Twitter. “I’ve got two words for you, Ted: Boo hoo.” 
Then she let rip: 
"Know whose health is limited? Workers with no paid leave who can’t stay at home when they fall ill or have to care for sick kids. Know whose sleep is limited? Working parents who do everything they can to save money but stay up at night worrying about how do get their kids through college without getting crushed by debt. Know who gets no personal time? People who work two minimum wage jobs to support their families. Know who gets no family time? Moms with unfair schedules who drop their kids off at daycare and drive halfway across town only to find their work hours have been cancelled.
"And Ted Cruz? He opposes mandatory paid family and medical leave and calls it “free stuff.” He voted against student loan refinancing. He’s says the minimum wage is “bad policy” and he’s done nothing to try and help workers struggling with unfair work schedules.” "
Liz was doing so well, until she brought politics into it. While Ted deserved a smackdown for his whine (Hey Ted, want some cheese with that?), her insinuation that because some people out there have it tougher than Ted Cruz (hard to believe, right?), this calls for government intervention!

More paid family and medical leave! Although this will be paid by employers with no government support. Kind of like how we have to fill out our own tax forms without any government support...

More student loan refinancing! Because much like the housing finance debacle that crashed the economy, this has proven to be another badly expensive idea, since we have too many underpaid or unemployed young people with heavy debt burdens.

Higher minimum wages! Because we have no clue what the minimum wage should be, or if we should even have one, but we'll pimp it anyway...

More fair work schedules! This is a new whine from the Democrats. Hey Liz, want some cheese with this? I know this is an issue, but looking for government to solve it is like asking the government to solve your problem with the barking dog in the neighborhood, when we all know this is easily solved by a little arsenic in peanut butter. Ok, maybe that won't do the trick for work schedules...

Seriously, the Democrats need to get over this "making life fair" kick. Bad news: Life isn't fair, and no amount of government spending or regulating will make it fair. Government can go after people who infringe on the rights of others, but a work schedule is only "bad" if it makes you quit your job. A work schedule is a voluntary arrangement between an employer and employee. If an employer abuses this arrangement, an employee is free to walk. This is called "freedom". Welcome to America!

Speaking of Native Americans, how is that working out for you Liz?

(headdress tip to Kappit for this and the next pic)

It seems Miss Warren used to like to claim she was part Native American. She used this claim until she got tenure as a professor, then she miraculously became white. Maybe she should have claimed her race as "shapeshifter"? Anyway, it was a neat trick, until the Media called her out on it, and then some Cherokee genealogists stepped up and said, "Nope, this squaw ain't one of ours!"

Personally, I hope Hillary Clinton names Warren as her vice presidential candidate. Before and possibly after the election, with these two, the fact-checkers' heads will spin...

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