Monday, April 25, 2016

Trump's Vice Presidents

It looks like Donald "Joe Millionaire" Trump is taking off in the latest state polls:

Pennsylvania leading by 26% 
Connecticut leading by 34% 
Rhode Island leading by 38%
Among other recent polls:

Indiana leading by 5% 
California leading by 27%
New Jersey leading by 28%
Maryland leading by 14%

California is the biggie, mainly because it is a winner-takes-all state, with the most delegates at stake of any state (172). However, it looks like Trump has safe leads in most of the winner-take-all states, so the proportional states should give him enough to get him very close to the 1,237 delegates he needs, if not over the top.

Since it looks like Trump has this one locked up, here are the top 5 candidates for Trump's vice president:

5. Chris Christie, just because this video was so much darned fun to watch:

4. Ben Carson, because Trump needs a brain surgeon desperately!

3. Tim Allen, because who would be better at building walls?

2. Joe Biden, since he is the best excuse ever for not assassinating a president.

1. Chris Evans, so Trump can say he "picked the guy who made Captain America great again!"

(hat tip to the Marvel Movies Wikia for the pic)

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