Tuesday, April 26, 2016

When News is DOA

I opened up Fox News this morning, only to see this non-story: "Kasich tells Indiana voters to support him, despite pledge not to campaign".

I should care about this why? I can find more reasons not to care:

1. It's Indiana. Not exactly a delegate powerhouse, nor do I care what happens in Indiana in general. No offense, Hoosiers. For what it's worth, I enjoyed Parks and Recreation.
2. It's John Kasich. The fact he is still in the race at all is insane.
3. Trump is up by 5% in the polls. If Kasich could somehow send 6% of his voters to Cruz, Cruz might win Indiana. Or they might just vote for Trump instead. I can't see voters saying, "I'll vote for Cruz just because John Kasich told me to." Yeah, not happening.
Regardless, I feel safe saying Kasich has no chance in Indiana, so what he does there doesn't matter.

Since Fox News decided to be dull, I decided to move a little leftward on the political spectrum, and try CNN. Sadly, their lead story was, "Racist texts sent by San Francisco police officer, documents show".

While racism is a bad thing, there are millions, maybe even billions, of racists across the planet. Many of them use text messaging, I am sure. Many of them are police officers, I am sure. Many of them are in the U.S., even in blue states. This isn't a news story. This is lifting a rock and being surprised to see a bug.

After that failure, I knew there was only one place left to go: MSNBC. If you want some entertaining news, you can always rely on the leftist moonbats at MSNBC!

At first, they disappointed me with their lead story, "Trump adopts Cruz playbook in delegate hunt". Yawn...

But wait! Leave it to MSNBC writer Jane C. Timm to give me something! Three paragraphs in (bold red by me):

But in Pennsylvania, where 54 unbound delegates are elected directly by district and free to vote as they wish, Trump is employing the same hunting playbook Cruz has used for weeks. Hate the player, not the game?
To quote Dan Akroyd, "Jane, you ignorant slut!"

Seriously, there is no place for that kind of commentary in a news story. Unless you happen to work for a radical leftist website like MSNBC, in which case they overlook derogatory commentary, especially when it's against Republicans. Mind you, I have nothing against derogatory commentary against Republicans, having done some myself on this website. But I don't promote myself as a news site either.

But thank you Jane Timm, for reminding me why I don't turn to MSNBC for my news, because you folks are to journalism what Donald Trump has been to politics.

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