Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Jack Nicholson Election

Call it the "fuhgettaboutit" primary: Yesterday's New York primary wasn't even close.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton soundly won with 58% of the vote, to Bernie Sanders' 42%. She walks away with 135 of 239 delegates.

However, the Republican race was a blowout:

Donald Trump 61%
John Kasich 25%
Ted Cruz 15% 
Trump almost turned New York into a "winner take all" state with his dominating performance. He gets 89 delegates, Kasich gets 3, and Cruz gets the goose egg.

As Trump and Clinton move closer to their nominations, Libertarians everywhere just sit back and laugh...

Let's be semi-serious for a moment. These two people have no business anywhere near the White House. I think back on all the people who ran for president in my lifetime, and lost because they did something stupid or because they weren't "serious" candidates, and I would take any of them over the two lunkheads above. 

Consider Trump for a moment. his campaign has been the equivalent of this scene from The Shining:

Continuing with the Jack Nicholson theme, Clinton reminds me of Nurse Ratched demanding we take our medicine:

Like most political solutions from progressives, Clinton won't talk about what's in her little pills that she is offering us. But I feel certain President Ratched will find a way for us to take our medicine, whether we like it or not.

As we hand our country over to a scary character from a Jack Nicholson film, just remember to not waste your vote on a third party candidate. Think of all the fun you'd miss by doing that?

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