Monday, April 25, 2016

When should we worry about Muslims?

I was reading this story about Muslim protesters in Germany chanting "Adolf Hitler" and "Allahu Akbar", and I was wondering when we should take off the rose-colored, multicultural glasses, and start looking at this as the threat it is intended to be?

It also makes an interesting comparison to the racist protests at Stone Mountain over the weekend. I love how we are more than happy to abuse white racists, but it's hands-off to racism of any other color.

Of course, if we were minding our own business, and not getting involved in Mideastern business, we might not have millions of refugees trying to enter our country. Did I mention they hate us? This makes allowing them in equivalent to inviting a fox into the henhouse.

We wouldn't have to worry about Middle East refugees, if we just followed a simple plan:

1. Get energy independent. This requires a "get energy from any source outside the Middle East". Oil, coal, solar, nuclear, whatever.
2. Get our military out of the Middle East. ISIL barely existed on 9/11/2001. It took many years of U.S. military involvement for them to get enough members to create the trouble they have. And still, we haven't figured it out. WE are the cause.

See? This is not impossible, or even difficult.

One of the flaws with our multiculturalist view towards Islam is the fact that Islam is NOT just a religion. It is very much a political philosophy as well. Sharia Law isn't just a "10 commandments" kind of deal. It is a legal code.

The great irony is that everything progressives say about Republicans is actually true about Islam: They are racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-abortion. But let's invite them into the U.S.!

(hat tip to for the pic)

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