Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How would I vote now?

I voted in the Georgia primary back on March 1st, but I had more choices back then. I voted for Ben Carson, who probably saw my vote and realized his campaign was doomed then.

But given the present choices, who would I vote for now? There are 5 primaries happening today.

First, I wouldn't be voting for any of the Democrats. While I agree with their socially liberal policies, their fiscally liberal spending (along with their "hand over your wallet and nobody gets hurt" taxation) has been a major turn-off for me since Walter Mondale. Occasionally, they produce a decent moderate like Bill Clinton, but that's the exception, not the rule. Hillary might turn out to be another Bill, but it's hard to trust a woman who plays fast and loose with email server rules. If she'd lie about something stupid like that, what would she do with, say, Benghazi? Oh wait, we already know that answer...

And don't even suggest my daughter's choice, Bernie "Stalin" Sanders. Socialism, really? How many times does that have to fail before we realize it's just a shortcut to dictatorship? I loved my daughter's answer to my complaints about him: "But it's democratic socialism". I tried to explain the old "two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner", but I don't think she got it. Combining democracy with socialism is like painting flames on a Pinto: It may make it look better in a way that is ironically appropriate, yet still leaves you driving a dud.

(hat tip to M3post for the pic)

On to the Republican side, John Kasich and Ted Cruz remind me of the two guys in the picture below: Not going anywhere fast.

(hat tip to They Jacked My Wheels for the pic)

Even if Donald Trump were to stumble worse than he already has, Duke Kasich and Bubba Cruz would have a hard time taking advantage of it. 

That leaves:

Basically, if there were a primary for me to vote in today, I would be doing what I am doing anyway: Laundry. My clothes, and my conscience, will be cleaner for it.

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