Thursday, March 10, 2016

Blaming the Republican Establishment

Ironically, the man who is leading the race for the Republican nomination for president, has turned on his party's establishment. From Fox News:

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump pushed back Wednesday night against what appears to be a growing move among the party establishment — including a few of his former rivals — to at least slow down his march to the convention with enough delegates in hand to claim the nomination. 
Speaking with Sean Hannity on a special Fox News town hall, Trump accused GOP lawmakers opposed to his campaign of "taking advantage of our country".  
...Trump was referring to a conference held by the conservative American Enterprise Institute at Sea Island off the coast of Georgia over the weekend, where one of the topics reportedly was stopping Trump from securing the Republican nomination. 
The conference reportedly was attended by Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan and other key Republican congressmen. 

Of course, Trump is right, and the Republican establishment deserves everything he is doing to them and saying about them now. The worst part for the Republicans: Trump has to lose the nomination fairly. If they try to change the rules, or pull some kind of backroom deal to beat him, he will run a third party campaign (in spite of what he says).

If that happens, the Democrats better worry too, because he will steal just as many votes from them as he does from Republicans. I won't say he'll win, but he will make it tough for either major party candidate to get enough electoral votes to claim a clear victory. I don't even want to think about what will happen if the next president gets into office by a Congressional vote. Remember 2000 when the Supreme Court decided the election? This outcome could be MUCH worse.

Imagine a situation where the Republican candidate gets elected by Congress because the electoral college was too close. A third party Trump's voters would be irate, assuming the election was stolen from them. Also, the Democratic Party's voters would also be irate, for the same reason. If all three of the candidates split the vote evenly, let's say about 30-30-30%. That would leave 60% of the country ticked off.

Unfortunately, the Republican establishment is the worst possible group to attack Trump. He has already tossed them under the bus, and everyone knows it. Attacks by them just sound like sour grapes, which they are to some extent.

No, there is only one person in the Republican Party who can attack Trump and sound sincere: Ted Cruz. The establishment doesn't like him any more than Trump, but at least Cruz has Tea Party cred. Also, Cruz doesn't appeal to people's worst instincts like Trump does.

At this point, Cruz is also the only Republican standing in the way of a Trump-Clinton/Sanders race. Picture that election: Your choice is between a fascist or a progressive/socialist?

I may be joining Al Sharpton in Canada...

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