Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Why the Left is worse than the Right

If you ever want to consider why Leftists are, in general, worse than Rightists, you don't have to go very far. Just look at a few news stories...

Let's start with Lena Dunham, who I consider a Leftist flake of the highest magnitude. However, even she understands how kooky the Left can be. From Fox News:

“I have received more hostility for voting for a qualified female candidate than I have ever received anywhere from the American right wing,” [Lena Dunham] said at a Clinton campaign event at NeueHouse in Hollywood. 
“The fact that other members of the Democratic Party have spoken to me like I was an ill informed child for voting for someone who represents everything I think this country should be is outrageous.”
Self-righteousness is almost an innate quality of any Leftist. This also leads to Leftists doing things they claim to be against. Take this example, from Gateway Pundit (click on the link to see photos):

Up to one thousand anti-Trump protesters gathered outside of the Washington DC Convention Center for Donald Trump’s speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference. 
The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states. 
Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night. 
...The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery.
Why would I assume these are Leftists?

First, Leftists have no issues with being anti-Jewish, since they like to forget history. For them, racism in defense of Leftist ideology is ok.

Second, except for radical Rightists (i.e. skinheads, Nazis, KKK members) who openly profess racism, the overwhelming majority of Rightists are pro-Israel, in addition to being anti-racism, contrary to what most on the Left think. Not to mention, none of the radical rightists would be against Trump if he were a Nazi.

Third, Leftists are violently anti-Republican, with only the barest of tolerance for when Republicans actually agree with them.

If you want to understand Leftism, just remember that Leftists pray at the altar of the all-holy government. Anything that promotes government power is good. Government will fix all of our all-too-human problems by putting us all in one box, where there is no racism allowed, and everyone makes the same amount of money, because we are all equal under government.

Unfortunately for Leftists, the great flaw in their ideology is the same one they are against: Human individualism. Government is not some all-perfect entity: It is run by individual humans, all with unique flaws of their own. The problem was best described by George Orwell in Animal Farm:

In any form of government, there will always be some humans who are "more equal than others". Leftist ideology forgets this inconvenient truth.

The great hypocrisy in Leftism is that it absolves all sins in the name of itself, including any sins which it is supposedly against. How many Leftist feminists supported Bill Clinton, even after the Monica Lewinsky affair came out? How many Leftist pacifists have remained silent as President Obama has continued killing people in the Middle East? How many Leftists are against the death penalty, but are also for abortion rights?

If the Leftists aren't careful, they may just get Trump elected by making him sympathetic, as well as alienating every voter group they can with their own idiotic ideological arguments.

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