Monday, March 21, 2016

Weekend Review: The Anti-Trumpsters

While I am firmly against Donald Trump's presidential candidacy, his other opponents almost make me want to support him.

The protest in Arizona over the weekend was certainly a low-point in the anti-Trumpsters activities. Blocking traffic to a Trump event was both illegal and stupid, proving the anti-Trumpsters can be every bit as ignorant as the pro-Trumpsters.

But it doesn't stop with Americans. Now Mexico has gotten into the act. From Bloomberg:

Mexico is mounting an unprecedented effort to turn its permanent residents in the U.S. into citizens, a status that would enable them to vote -- presumably against Donald Trump. 
Officially, Mexico says it respects U.S. sovereignty and has no strategy to influence the result of the presidential race. Yet Mexican diplomats are mobilizing for the first time to assist immigrants in gaining U.S. citizenship, hosting free workshops on naturalization. 
"This is a historic moment where the Mexican consulate will open its doors to carry out these types of events in favor of the Mexican community," Adrian Sosa, a spokesman for the consulate in Chicago, said before an event on March 19. In Dallas, about 250 permanent residents attended the consulate’s first "citizenship clinic" in February and another 150 in its second in March. In Las Vegas, the turnout topped 500. 
Underscoring the fine line that separates participation from interfering in another country’s election, Sosa noted that the consulate only hosts the event but it’s community organizations who offer the advice.
Don't you love how diplomats dance around the truth, when all of us can plainly see what is happening?

And then there is this editorial from Newsweek, "DONALD TRUMP: CANDIDATE AS CANCER":

Look into the mirror, American. See there the hair that is like a wheat field whipped by the wind; the face that looks like the product of sexual congress between a tuna and a tangerine; the lips pursed in childish imitation of gravitas; the tie that is too bright and too long; the small, dull eyes of a manatee scanning adoring crowds. This is Donald Trump, American. This is you and I. 
Trump is the cancerous growth that suddenly alarms so many in the nation, Republican and Democrat alike. Do we deserve this malady? Is it somehow our fault? There must have been symptoms that we missed. There must have been preventative measures we could have taken, cures that would have worked, only it is too late now. America will be made great again, and then she will moan one last time on her gold-plated deathbed, and then she will die.  
I will say this in support of Trump: He has managed to expose the drama queens in this country.

Here is a crazy, nutty idea for all you anti-Trumpsters out there: If you don't like him, vote against him. I know, I am such a lunatic...

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