Thursday, March 24, 2016

My Favorite Leftist: Camille Paglia

If you ever want to read the thoughts and logic of a true Leftist, and by that I mean one who practices what she preaches, and doesn't support Leftists simply because they have a "D" after their name, then read Camille Paglia.

In her latest column, This is why Trump’s winning, and why I won’t vote for Hillary, she traverses the political scenery of both parties. Here is a small taste:

This week’s horrific terrorist attacks on the Brussels airport and metro raised the pressure in the already tight U.S. presidential campaign. Candidates of both parties were instantly measured against voter expectations of how a president could and should behave in a similar crisis. Meanwhile, it was jarring to see a beaming President Obama relaxing at a Cuban baseball game, while grisly photos of the wrecked terminal and dazed, bloodied victims in Belgium were on steady media feed all over the world. 
Given that most people, sequestered at their workplace, were unable to monitor the full range of responses throughout the day, the candidate who emerged on top was almost certainly Donald Trump. Despite his alarming enthusiasm for waterboarding and torture, Trump’s central campaign theme of securing the borders and more stringently vetting immigrants was strengthened by the events in Brussels, a historic city whose changing demographics he had already controversially warned about. Trump’s credibility would be enhanced if he treated the vital immigration issue in general policy terms rather than divisively singling out specific groups (Mexican, Muslim), the majority of whom are manifestly law-abiding.
While I mostly agree with her, I will take exception on one part: How could Trump bring up the vital immigration issue without singling out specific groups? When he talks about building a wall, he shouldn't mention the Mexican border? He shouldn't mention Muslims, even if that's who he plans to target?

I have to give Trump credit for at least saying what he means, rather than watering it down to the point of meaninglessness, like most politicians do. If Trump has a virtue, it is his willingness to be brutally honest on some issues.

Other than that, I recommend Miss Paglia's thought-provoking editorial to anyone, Right or Left.

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