Friday, March 18, 2016

Media Goes Ballistic over Trump

You can't hardly sneeze without coming across a news story or editorial about "Somebody do something about Trump! Hurry! This $#%* is serious!" Here are some examples:

Christian Science Monitor: Around world, doubts whether Trump could 'make America great again'
(We care about what the rest of the world thinks...why?)

Fox News: The new battle cry: Why can't the media 'stop' Trump?
(Maybe because the Media doesn't get to vote?)

Washington Post: To defend our democracy against Trump, the GOP must aim for a brokered convention (Because that will end well, probably with Trump taking his candidacy to a third party...)

RealClearPolitics: How Trump Can Be Stopped
(Get enough people to vote for Hillary, or a third party candidate like Gary Johnson.)

You get the idea. But what is lost in all the hyperbole is the fact Americans are fed up. Trump is the symptom, not the disease. If the Media wants to "stop Trump", they will need to change hearts and minds across the country. Unfortunately, those "hearts and minds" are angry at being given a bill of goods for the actions of both Republicans and Democrats, and those "hearts and minds" have nothing to show for it. Consider:

1. The public bought it, and put the Republican establishment in power, under Bush. Unfortunately, the Republicans proceeded to raid the public treasury like it was their parents' credit card. On top of that, Bush left office with the country in a state of economic disaster, the likes of which hasn't been seen since the malaise of the 1970's.

2. Ok, so the public bought it a second time, putting the Democratic establishment candidate Barack Obama into office. Hope and change! And he proceeded to give the American public a healthcare plan they didn't want, passing it on partisan lines. Now the American people have high deductible health insurance, with the rest covered by their health savings accounts...IF they have a job!

3. Speaking of jobs, let's not forget the trillions in dollars which both parties gave to Wall Street, and which didn't seem to find it's way to Main Street. You remember, Bernanke and Bush and Obama all agreed this money was necessary to keep the economy from collapsing? And yet we have fewer people working now than since the 1970's?

To be honest, I am amazed it has taken the American public this long to get mad. But it will take a lot more than "stop Trump" articles to assuage Americans. Remember this scene from the movie Network:

As long as the Media continues to ignore the plight of average Americans, and only continues to attack Trump, they will only speed up the death of their relevance as a factor in American thought.

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