Monday, March 7, 2016

Weekend Review

We come back from this weekend lighter one very classy First Lady. RIP Nancy Reagan.

In other news...

There was a good interview with Rush Limbaugh on Fox News yesterday. Rush does some good analysis here:

WALLACE: Okay, let's go. Let's start with Mitt Romney's speech this week in which he basically joined the "Anybody But Trump" movement. You say that that is gonna backfire with Trump supporters, and other voters are gonna see it as the establishment trying to tell them what to do. With Mitt Romney listening, explaining what he's missing.
RUSH: Well, it's all that and more, but -- and it's not unprecedented. His dad did much the same thing against Barry Goldwater with a cabal of Republican establishment guys back in 1964. The establishment... This isn't new. The establishment not wanting outsiders, not wanting conservatives isn't anything new. Now, Chris, very briefly, I think there's something remarkable happening here that nobody's talking about. Well, they're skirting the issue. For the longest time the Republican Party has told us that they can't win with just Republican votes. And that's why they support amnesty. 
That's why they support the Democrats on many of their issues, to go out and get Hispanics or other minorities. Well, guess who's doing it? Donald Trump is doing it! Donald Trump has put together a coalition -- whether he knows it or not, whether he intended to or not, he's put together a coalition -- that's exactly what the Republican Party says that it needs to win! And yet look what they're doing. They're trying to get Trump out of the race, because they're not in charge of it. They're not in control of it. And it's the most amazing thing to watch this happen. Governor Romney comes along and tries to talk people out of Trump, and that's not gonna work. You can't talk his supporters out of supporting him. The only guy that's gonna be able to do that is Trump himself.
Love him or hate him, Rush is good for the brain cells.

Peyton Manning goes out on top. We were blessed to watch him play football. Any discussion of best quarterback of all time must include him. I still lean towards Tom Brady, but Peyton's supporters deserve a fair hearing.

CNN's Eric Bradnor makes a solid analysis of last night's Democratic Party debate:

This, in a nutshell, is the difference between them. [Hillary Clinton] has nuanced positions that look at the breadth of opinion across the country. She's also keenly aware of the limitations of government, and strains to keep her positions within those limits -- part of what she calls her "responsibility gene." 
[Bernie] Sanders has definitive positions that take a look at his ideology. That's the Democrat's choice: nuance or no nuance.
To summarize the Democratic Party's choice, there is B.S., and no B.S. But regardless of who they choose, this country is in deep B.S.

Finally, for those of you watching from home, there were several primaries and caucuses over the weekend. Here are the Republican results:

Donald "Joe Millionaire" Trump won Louisiana and Kentucky.
Ted "I'm not Trump" Cruz won Kansas and Maine.
Marco "Also-ran" Rubio won Puerto Rico.

Here are the Democratic results:

Hillary Goldman Clinton won Louisiana.
Bernie "Feel the Bern" Sanders won Nebraska, Kansas and Maine.
Here are the latest Republican delegate counts (from RealClearPolitics):

Trump: 384
Cruz: 300
Rubio: 151
Kasich: 37
Here is the TRUTH: Watch Cruz. If I had to bet on a Republican winning the nomination, it would be him. By the way, notice how Cruz and Rubio have enough delegates to stand in Trump's way?

Here are the latest Democratic delegate counts (from RealClearPolitics, minus the superdelegates):

Clinton: 658
Sanders: 471
The TRUTH: Clinton is starting to pull away. It looks like the Democrats aren't ready to come out of the "socialist closet" yet. If it looks like a socialist, swims like a socialist, and quacks like a socialist, then it probably is a socialist...

Quote of the weekend, from Bill Maher:

"If Americans have to choose between a party that won't even say the phrase 'Islamic terrorism' and Donald Trump, they'll choose Trump."

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