Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekend Review

Jamie Dupree just reported this via Twitter:

What this means is "bye bye Marco Rubio, the GOP establishment just jumped off your bandwagon". Mind you, that doesn't mean Kasich will do any better. It just means Rubio now has one less 800 pound gorilla on his back.

Then again, there is this from Fox News:

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio has dropped to third place just days ahead of a crucial primary in his home state of Florida, according to a CBS News poll released Sunday.
On the bright side, I won't have to talk about Rubio for another 4 years, maybe longer...

In other news, Angela Merkel has learned the dangers of leaving Germany's door open:

German voters turned to the far right in droves [Saturday] in a damning verdict on Angela Merkel’s open door border policy. 
In regional elections she was humiliated by the anti-immigrant AfD – Alternative for Germany – party. 
Formed just three years ago, it has surged in popularity following Mrs Merkel’s decision to roll out the red carpet for more than a million migrants. 
Frauke Petry, who leads the Eurosceptic party, has suggested German border guards should open fire on illegal immigrants.
While I can appreciate Germans aren't fond of walls, I think shooting immigrants might be a bit overboard.

Another story from the LA Times:

What happens when a Democratic lawmaker strays from party leaders on a key piece of Gov. Jerry Brown’s policy agenda? One assemblywoman who held back support for a sweeping climate-change bill last year is starting to find out. 
Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown (D-San Bernardino) was among a group of business-aligned Democrats who objected to a provision in the bill, SB 350, that would have cut California's motor vehicle petroleum use in half by 2030. 
Now Brown, a moderate, is facing what could be a bruising reelection fight against an intraparty challenger from the left, attorney Eloise Gomez Reyes. The race raises a question: What does it mean to be a Democrat in San Bernardino, where concerns over jobs often compete with those about the environment? 
Some early signs indicate Brown could be in trouble. Protesters have shown up at her local events. Some of her supporters have defected, endorsing Reyes early in the fight. 
“Do you ever feel that something is not going quite right?” Brown said in a recent phone interview. “They are after me, and I still don’t know why. I don’t know who ‘they’ are. But I will find out soon.” 
Last week, Brown's suspicions began to crystallize when a dozen students in breathing masks from San Bernardino Valley College threw themselves on the floor of a town hall meeting she hosted.
If you ever want to see how Democrats are like the Mafia, here is a great example.

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