Friday, March 4, 2016

Theft versus Taxation

I was reading The Telegraph's article, Islamic State 'earning millions by playing the stock market', when I came across the following infographic:

Infographic: How Does ISIS Fund Itself?  | Statista

Notice how they separate "Theft" and "Taxation"? Time for some brutal TRUTH folks.

Taxation is only theft committed by a government. Sure, we pay our taxes voluntarily, much like we would hand our wallets over to a mugger who has a gun pointed at us. To say that taxation is somehow ethically ok because we live in a democracy, and we all can vote, is the biggest pile of bull puckey ever.

In the United States, the only reason the 16th Amendment to the Constitution got passed was because the politicians told the American people a bald-faced lie: They said they would only use it to tax the rich. Today, EVERYONE pays these taxes. (Before you say that the poor don't, even the lowest income amounts pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, from which there are no refunds.)

The only difference between theft and taxation is the guy with the gun shows up first in a theft, as opposed to taxation where he only comes later if you don't "voluntarily" pay.

This discussion reminds me of this classic interview with Senator Harry Reid:

Here is a good demonstration of the tax system:

Taxes photo Taxes--CatsMotivationalPoster.jpg

(hat tip to Photobucket for the pic)

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