Thursday, March 3, 2016

My vote goes to...

Libertarian Gary Johnson.

With Ben Carson out of the race, that leaves no candidates that I would consider supporting.Allow me a moment of personal history here...

After the Bush years, I vowed to never vote for a "lesser of two (or more) evils" candidate. I either believe in the candidate, or I don't. The only 2 presidential candidates I ever voted for enthusiastically were Ronald Reagan and Ross Perot. Reagan turned out pretty good, and the results of Perot's election numbers were the Newt Gingrich "Contract with America" mid-term election, which also turned out well.

When I decided to vote for Ben Carson this time, I was originally voting for Rand Paul. But it occurred to me that Paul is just unelectable. He is a great senator, but he doesn't have the patience for a presidential election. On the other hand, Carson struck me as someone who could be elected, although he was a little light on "solution specifics". But Carson struck me as a very intelligent guy who could figure it out once he gets in office. That's a bit of a moot point now...

So that leaves me with the following choices:

1. Hillary Goldman Clinton: Owned by Wall Street, when she isn't leading her progressive charge. Why does she remind me of Earl Long? (For you youngsters unfamiliar with Long, read his wiki and watch the movie Blaze. That should catch you up on him.)

2. Bernie Sanders: When I called him a "socialist" in front of my daughter, she corrected me and said he was a "democratic socialist". To me, the only difference between the two terms is a socialist spends all our money giving us stuff. A democratic socialist does the same, but with our blessing. Of course, "democratic socialism" is just another way of saying the death throes of democracy, if you believe the quote from Elmer Peterson:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.” 
3. Donald "Joe Millionaire" Trump: When Trump said he liked the "poorly educated", he wasn't kidding. That is the source of most of his voters, according to this article from the Atlantic. Overlooking that factor, when I hear Trump, I can almost hear the audio from Hitler's old speeches. I know that accusing anyone in politics of being fascist is one of the most worn-out cliches, starting with the progressives accusing Bush of it. However, I just get that feeling from Trump.

4. Ted Cruz: How does someone run for president based on the credential of having one of the biggest political failures since Hillary lost to Barack? But that is Cruz for you, running on the basis of shutting down the government without a plan for what to do when Obama calls his bluff...

5. Marco Rubio: You may as well call him Marco Romney. Like most of the Republican establishment, he stands for nothing, except what his Wall Street masters tell him to support.

6. John Kasich: Dead candidate running. At least Carson was smart enough to read the writing on the wall.

7. Gary Johnson: As in many elections, I am back to the Libertarian. I will do a post at a later date to explain this further.

Pat Paulsen, where are you when we need you?

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