Tuesday, March 15, 2016

It's the economy, stupid!

I was watching this CNN video, where actor Kevin Spacey compares this election to 1968, specifically comparing Donald Trump to George Wallace. Then I was reminded of the variation on political analyst James Carville's quote:

It's the economy, stupid.

As the Media runs around barking about racism, they are ignoring what Trump is talking about, and why people are listening to him.

As for Spacey's 1968 comparison? The unemployment rate was 3.6%. The current U-6 unemployment rate (which includes part-time workers looking for full-time work) was 10.1% in February. George Wallace's racism was a hideous luxury in 1968. Donald Trump's racism in 2016 is a reaction to loose immigration policies which have been ignored for too long, and are now starting to show an economic effect.

Until the Media wakes up and starts hitting Trump on the economy, he will continue to roll along. The formerly middle class worker who is now poor or unemployed doesn't care about the Media's racism charges. He/she wants a job that pays enough to live, and he/she will vote for Trump because Trump isn't "generic brand politically correct politician". Don't be surprised to see large numbers of poor minorities voting for the allegedly racist Trump because of the economy.

It's the economy, stupid.

So keep throwing racism out there, and ignore the bitter truth: Our country's economic policies under the last two presidents specifically, and going back 100 years, have favored the wealthy and poor over the middle class.

The economic chickens have come home to roost. You better give them something, preferably a job, or hand the country over to Trump.

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