Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How can Hillary lose?

The Washington Post has run  the article, "The presidency is Hillary Clinton’s to lose. Here are 12 ways she could lose it." I decided to add another 5 ways she could lose the White House:

1. President Obama declares martial law, and names himself "president-for-life". Heck, this may be a crazy right-wing meme, but so was the one that said "you won't be able to keep your insurance under Obamacare". Then again, so was the birther thing. The right-wingers hit some and miss some.

2. Bill Clinton gets caught in the wrong bathroom in North Carolina. We won't talk about what he was doing there...

3. Hillary gets caught in the wrong bathroom in North Carolina. Afterwords, she exclaims, "I thought the toilets were a little low..."

4. The election is close enough to be sent to the Republican Congress to decide it. After the Republicans can't decide for themselves, they meet with the Democrats and come to a bipartisan agreement. Say hello to President Biden.

God help us all.

5. The Libertarian wins. And so ends our long national nightmare. Plus the Libertarians have a cuter symbol, the porcupine:

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