Monday, May 16, 2016

Obama PC's again!

I thought I had nailed all of Obama's PC points earlier today. I was wrong.

From Kyle Smith of the New York Post:

It’s only May, but I think I’ve found the euphemism of the year: According to Team Obama, criminals should now be declared “justice-involved individuals.” 
The neo-Orwellianism comes to us from the bizarre flurry of last-minute diktats, regulations and bone-chilling threats collectively known to fanboys as Obama’s Gorgeous Goodbye. 
In another of those smiley-faced, but deeply sinister, “Dear Colleague” letters sent to universities and college this week, Obama’s Education Secretary John King discouraged colleges from asking applicants whether they were convicted criminals. 
An accompanying pamphlet was called “Beyond the Box: Increasing Access to Higher Education for Justice-Involved Individuals.” 
So rapists, burglars, armed robbers and drug dealers aren’t criminals anymore. These folks are simply “involved” with “justice,” according to Obamanoids.
My guess is they came up with this euphemism when they realized they might be prosecuting Hillary Clinton before the election. Now, instead of her saying "I am not a crook", she can say "I am a justice-involved individual". Doesn't that sound so much more empowering?

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