Friday, May 13, 2016

What Congressmen Really Think

Here are some excerpts:

A new book threatens to blow the lid off of Congress as a federal legislator's tell-all book lays out the worst parts of serving in the House of Representatives – saying that his main job is to raise money for re-election and that leaves little time for reading the bills he votes on.

...'Voters claim they want substance and detailed position papers, but what they really crave are cutesy cat videos, celebrity gossip, top 10 lists, reality TV shows, tabloid tripe, and the next f***ing Twitter message,' the congressman gripes in the book.

'I worry about our country's future when critical issues take a backseat to the inane utterings of illiterate athletes and celebrity twits.'

...'Fundraising is so time-consuming I seldom read any bills I vote on,' the anonymous legislator admits. 'I don't even know how they'll be implemented or what they'll cost.'

'My staff gives me a last-minute briefing before I go to the floor and tells me whether to vote yea or nay. How bad is that?'

And on controversial bills, he says, 'I sometimes vote "yes" on a motion and "no" on an amendment so I can claim I'm on either side of an issue.'

'It's the old shell game: if you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em.'

...The congressman laments that politics has become a matter of picking a team by the jerseys they wear rather than looking at the players underneath.

'Things are so partisan today most folks vote the straight party line, even though they don't know s*** about who they're voting for. They just don't want the other guys to win,' he explains. 
I recommend reading the entire article, because there is MUCH more!

This paints a picture of a government ruled by a system, where the decision-makers check their personal beliefs at the door, because they have no time for principles. This is NOT a system which can be fixed by electing a new Republican or Democrat. If this were a company, you would fire the entire staff and hire new people.

The voters in America are the board of directors of this company, yet we refuse to consider radical change, and so we let the existing managers of our company run it into the ground. Of course those managers will tell you a third party vote is "wasted", because they know that a successful third party would kick this system to the curb. Third party voters want serious change, not the Obama style "hope and change"-light.

If you really want to waste your vote, give it to a Republican or Democrat. Be the sheep they expect you to be. Baaaaaa...

(hat tip to Pinterest for the pic)

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