Thursday, May 12, 2016

Trayvon Redux

Now that George Zimmerman is back in the news, I get another chance to talk about this sleezeball, and the sleezeball he killed. Hear me out on this one.

So Zimmerman put the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin up for sale on And now it's been pulled, for no obvious reason. My response is an emphatic shrug.

The Zimmerman-Martin encounter is what happens when you get two suspicious and angry thugs together: One of them inevitably gets hurt, or even killed. Forgive me for not letting my heart bleed all over the carpet for poor Trayvon Martin, but his actions led to his own death. If he had committed suicide, nobody would care, but since he decided to prove his manhood against an armed man and lost, I should feel racial guilt for him? Not gonna happen. Stupid is as stupid does, regardless of skin color. If I had decided to challenge Zimmerman that night, I would have been dead and easily forgotten. If Zimmerman had been black, Martin would have been forgotten. If Martin had been white, again nobody would care.

Instead, Martin gets to be a martyr for the race pimps everywhere, especially in the Media.

As for Zimmerman, he's still a jerk, But a court of law found him "not guilty", like O.J. Simpson. But also like O.J., we know Zimmerman will either end up back in court, or he'll end up wasting his life somehow. Some things just know no skin color, like thuggery.

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