Friday, May 6, 2016

The Jedi Wife Trick

Yesterday, my wife and I did our weekly grocery shopping trip to Walmart. Two things...

First, she figured out my Jedi Wife Trick. Of course, everyone knows the Jedi Mind Trick:

The Jedi Wife Trick works similarly. When your wife makes a request of you that you dislike, or don't want to do, you merely say, in a deeply submissive tone of voice, "Yes dear." This distracts her by making her think you are submitting to her ("yes"), while at the same time admitting your affection for her ("dear"). While she is distracted, you quickly make a dash for somewhere away from her. By the time she finds you, she's forgotten what she wanted.

Unfortunately, much like the Jedi Mind Trick, this only works for so long. My wife caught on to my trick when I gave her the "yes dear" and tried to make a mad dash to the frozen foods. I didn't get two feet when she was all over me like white on a stormtrooper.

(hat tip to Wookieepedia for the pic)

As I was dipped into the carbonite freeze, I told her, "I love you."

She replied, "Yes dear."

Finally, on our way out of the store, our checkout clerk was named, no lie, "Tijuana". My wife and I both agreed that parents can be cruel sometimes.

Well, I would have agreed if not for the carbonite...

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