Friday, May 27, 2016

TRUTH Endorsement: Austin Petersen for President

With the Libertarian Convention this weekend, I have decided to go out on a limb and issue my endorsement for presidential candidate early: I endorse Libertarian candidate Austin Petersen.

Previously, I had stated I would be endorsing Libertarian Gary Johnson. Then I watched two embarrassing debate performances by Johnson, and two outstanding performances by Petersen. If the Libertarian Party's goal is to get on the debate stage with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, then the LP can not afford the luxury of a dull candidate like Johnson. The candidate must be able to scrap with Trump, which Johnson is far too nice. At the same time, he must be able to counter Hillary's wonky talking points with both logic and wit (she has a severe lack of wit), which Johnson might be able to match her for logic but his wit is dull. At best, Johnson might match well with Hillary, but Trump will walk all over both of them. That results in Trump wins, and uninspired Libertarians stay home.

But let's talk about something more important: Why support Austin Petersen?

The man is not flawless, and if you search the internet, you can find examples of where he has lost his temper in the past, and said things in anger which he regrets now. I believe any married man can sympathize with that. But he isn't a serial philanderer like Bill Clinton was, even before Clinton's first election. Petersen was a Media guy, working as a producer as well as a talking head. Not political experience, which one might argue is a plus on Petersen's side. Both Bush and Obama had plenty of political experience, and we see what that got us.

It doesn't take much to define Petersen as the "lesser of three evils" in this election. Pulse? Check. Does he seem honest? Check. But Gary Johnson can pass those tests (ok, maybe not the pulse part).

Here is where Austin Petersen stands on the issues (taken from his website):

1. Taxes & Spending:
"Reduce economic inequality by lowering barriers to entry in the marketplace, licensing, taxation, and fees. Urge congress to adopt the “Penny Plan,” across the board spending cuts of 1% per program. Abolish the existing, complicated tax code that discriminates against the most productive Americans, and replace it with a simple, flat tax at the lowest rate necessary to support the core functions of government. Seek voluntary ways to fund public services where possible, lotteries, tolls, etc."
This is what "fiscal conservatism" looks like. Republicans, take notes. Democrats, your punch bowl is being taken away.

2. National Defense & Military

"Strengthen national security by reducing/ending foreign aid to nations hostile to the USA. Reconsider overseas troop deployments in areas not important to US national security, and audit the Pentagon. Reform the Veteran’s Affairs administration. 
"The American people have sacrificed enough blood and treasure in the Middle East. No more nation building. Obey the Constitution, and only go to war if it’s declared by congress. Consider constitutional Letters of Marque and Reprisal to deal with terrorists."
Petersen takes a practical approach to national defense, ending the wars of imperialism we have been fighting for over a decade. Don't expect Trump or Clinton to do this.

3. Free Trade (and Energy)

"Lower barriers to trade with foreign nations, and allow American companies the leeway they need to develop domestic energy production, in order to create good paying jobs at home."
I especially like his energy policy, because it combines perfectly with a "get our military out of the Middle East" foreign policy while making us energy independent at the same time. This policy is extremely good for America.

4. Monetary Policy

"Audit the Federal Reserve first. End it through competition last. Institute a Monetary Commission devoted to studying the implications of replacing central banking with “Free Banking,” and abolishing laws of legal tender. Allow gold and silver to circulate as a currency, removing them from the commodity list, and make precious metal coins free of taxation. Let digital currencies compete against Federal Reserve notes."
Now that the Federal Reserve has blown through over $4 trillion of taxpayer money (which we didn't have to begin with) supporting Wall Street with Bernanke's hare-brained idea of quantitative easing (Read: Giving the Wall Street gamblers back the money they blew on the housing market), isn't it time we audit the Fed? But more than that, Austin has an idea how to fix the problem of the Fed. Will his idea work? I don't know, but the Fed's idea of blowing asset bubbles and then have a recession every 7 or so years isn't working all that great.

5. Immigration

"Streamline our immigration system by following updated “Ellis Island” styled protocols. Security check. Disease check. Done." 
This is so much better than Obama's "ignore the law and let 'em all in!" policy.

6. Constitutional Priorities

"Work with congress to institute new protocols that will protect national security while placing the balance of weight towards due process and individual rights. Rein in the NSA, and demand accountability in our security agencies so as to protect our 4th Amendment rights."
What makes this nice is it works perfectly with his plans to get us out of the Middle East. It is so rare to see a candidate whose policy solutions actually work together. By reducing U.S. involvement in Islamic nations, he will also be reducing the long-term terrorist threat (why terrorize the U.S. when they aren't doing anything to you?). This also creates less of a need for the NSA spying on Americans to prevent "terrorism", even though the truth is they aren't just doing it for terrorism, and we know it.

7. Crime & Punishment

"Reclassify the war on drugs as a medical problem, not a criminal problem. Deschedule all drugs at the federal level and end the federal War on Drugs once and for all."
How many people have to die, and how many lives have to be ruined for minor drug infractions, before we wake up and realize the truth in the statement above?

8. Reforming Entitlements

"Allow young people to opt out of Social Security."
Naturally, the Democrats will scream, "He's taking away your Social Security!" Yes, he is allowing your grandchildren to have a better system if they want it. Any system not controlled by politicians is a better system by default. Get over it, gramps. You'll be dead by the time they retire anyway.

9. Restoring Health Freedom

"Overturn Obamacare. Seek out market alternatives to problems of health and wellness."
Austin doesn't say it, although I hope this means replacing third party payer systems with a responsible first party payer system. Regardless, removing Obamacare is still a step in the right direction.

10. Defending Life

"Encourage a culture of life, and adoption, and educate Americans about the “consistent pro-life ethic,” which also means abolishing the death penalty."
Say what you will about Petersen, he is the most pro-life candidate I think I have ever seen, as he denounces both abortion and the death penalty. Personally, I consider his views here as a welcome addition to the Libertarian Party philosophy.

In summary, Austin Petersen is a candidate whom I can wholeheartedly support without holding my nose, or making a "lesser of evils" choice. This is the best plan I have seen for the federal government from any candidate in my lifetime, and that includes Ronald Reagan. This is why I endorse Austin Petersen for president of the United States.

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