Friday, May 20, 2016

White Males: The source of all evil

An editorial talking about Bernie Sanders and his supporters' recent temper tantrum in Vegas floored me:

This is starting to get delusional, and dangerous to the American movement for social justice. 
First of all, I don’t accept the presumption of moral and ideological superiority from a coalition that is dominated by white men, trying to overturn the will of black, brown, and female voters or somehow deem it fraudulent. There’s a growing element of male entitlement in the Sanders “movement” that supporter Sally Kohn articulates well:\ 
It’s also too easy to suggest that Sanders’ supporters are a different kind of angry than Trump’s. Are we entirely sure about that? The populist right may be more inclined toward misogyny and xenophobia, but the populist left is not immune from these afflictions. And as I’ve written before, when you see progressive white men—many of whom enthusiastically supported Barack Obama’s candidacy—hate Clinton with every fiber of their being despite the fact that she’s a carbon copy of Obama’s ideology (or in fact now running slightly to his left), it’s hard to find any other explanation than sexism. Either way, the brutish, boorish behavior of Bernie Bros (and their female compatriots, too) was a huge reason I was reluctant to seemingly side with them in endorsing Sanders—and has been the only reason I have ever questioned my decision to do so since.
Now hold on a gosh-darned minute here! You can blame white males for a lot of things, but Bernie Sanders? No no no. I am not taking responsibility for what you progressive whack jobs do. I know you progressives love to stick labels on everything, but take the "white male" label off this one.

Ironically, this editorial gets closest to it's point in the headline: "Bernie Sanders Is Hurting Himself by Playing the Victim". "Playing the victim" is the leftist thing to do, and has nothing to do with white males in general.  If anything, his supporters seem to be dominated by naive younger adults, not white males of all ages. His supporters are innocents being sucked in by promises of free government stuff, not realizing the old adage, "There is no free lunch."

Sanders is the con man in this grift, and the only white male to blame.

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