Wednesday, June 8, 2016

About those illegal immigrants...

Fusion is running a story, "Obama has deported more immigrants than any other president. Now he’s running up the score."

Immigration-flow numbers are staggering in both directions. In 2014, it’s estimated that more than 200,000 Central Americans tried to emigrate to the United States without documentation. But the Obama government has been deporting them as fast as it can. 
Since coming to office in 2009, Obama’s government has deported more than 2.5 million people—up 23% from the George W. Bush years. More shockingly, Obama is now on pace to deport more people than the sum of all 19 presidents who governed the United States from 1892-2000, according to government data. 
And he’s not done yet. With the clock ticking down his final months in office, Obama appears to be running up the score in an effort to protect his title as deporter-in-chief from future presidents. To pad the numbers, Homeland Security is now going after the lowest-hanging fruit: women and children who are seeking asylum from violence in Central America.
Sounds good, huh? Who needs Trump, right?

The only problem: That "more than 200,000 Central Americans" from 2014 number is ONLY Central Americans, and only one year. How many were coming in illegally from other countries? Does that figure include Mexicans?

Here is a chart from the Pew Center, which shows illegal immigrant population:

Here is the truth: The illegal immigrants have been hearing how easy Obama has been with immigration policy, so they have been rushing in to the United States...only to discover the man, who once said "if you like your health insurance, you can keep it", has lied to them! Go figure, right?

Seriously, it looks like the population of illegals has gotten way too high, even for Democratic Party tastes. You know those Democrats: They only need so many illegals to tend their golf courses and do their landscaping. After that, they become...meh. Bill and Hillary can't have Pedro and Juan hanging out on their ritzy street corner.

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